
I am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. LOL.


My little man is home again and I couldn’t be happier. Shawn’s texts are getting fewer and fewer… which also is a bittersweet feeling. I’m glad he’s moving on… in fact, if you haven’t heard already, he’s moved in with some girl, who he knew two days before meeting, and then went camping with her and her family for two weeks.


*laughs* I cant help it. I’m sorry…


Things with D couldn’t be better. However, there was a mention made from him yesterday about a taboo subject with me that nearly made me drive off the road. Ya know, I had swore off marriage… but when we were talking about how odd it was my exs contacted me yesterday (yes, both Joey and Rich) and how at one point I was engaged to Joey, just didn’t work out.. Rich, was disillusioned… and told everyone we were going to be married. *laughs* I think not, kid.


But… when he mentioned it… my heart kinda melted… and it freaked me out. I swore after Felix I never wanted to get married again… I was tired of the bs… the hurt, the pain… my last two major relationships hurt me so bad… *downcast head*


Anyways…. so.. a month from yesterday… I will be in Texas. In fact, at this time… I would be in Texas… probably talking with D and his roommate, J… lol…. apparently they are having some paranormal issues and want my opinion. Which, I’m more then okay with, and kinda looking forward to it. *Smiles shyly* I’m just looking forward to spending a few days with D, to be honest… kid less… worry free….


Anyways. When I made mention of going MIA… everyone panicked. LOL. Don’t worry guys… I never go too far, and I’m always on FB, or yahoo, or msn, or AIM… if you need my contact info, just ask. *grins*


Plus, if I don’t update with my nervous energy before I go to Texas… I sure as hell will update with pics after I get home! *laughs*


Anyways. Just kinda wanted to say hi and ramble for a moment, which I did.


I’m going to go play with my son… get him to bed, and talk to D some… *sighs happily* I’m good with this. Really, I am.


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*BEAMS* It’s so AWESOME to read you this happy again, sweetheart! Does my heart good… *HUGE HUGS* Love you.

This made me smile. I’m glad you’re happy and doing well. Love you Mandi! <3 *big hugs*

*huge hugs and smiles for you* It’s good to see you giddy and happy over a man again.

I missed the end of Sanford and Son, now I don’t know if Lamond is truly a big dummy or not.

on od yopu tend to give more details. good to hear that things are looking up.

It just might be time to be with yourself for a while. enjoy life to the fullest. go out and do wonderful things that make you smile alone or with friends (not boyfriends or exes). seriously, this is renewal time there will be plenty of time inyour life to get together with someone check your local community ads and see what is happening in your own community do a search online okay, these are JUST ideas that’s all. hopeall goes well and hope youhave a FABULOUS summer

where in Texas?!! Texas is a BIG state! ;p