What am I doing wrong?








Amanda Eckert | Create Your Badge


So, met with Dustin today for coffee. Things went off really well, was very comfortable with him, very relaxed…
He told me he would like to do this again, and so, I was excited.
Got home, asked the obvious question, fishing for a compliment I guess…
And got a 3 part text message back about how hes just looking for friends.
What a joke. Don’t get me wrong, Id love to have him around as a friend… but in the same respect… he and I met on a dating site so I assumed… and his profile says hes looking for a long term relationship.
If its me, just say so! Im a big girl, I can handle myself…. *sighs* Best to know now, I guess… doesn’t make the sting hurt any less….

I just dont get it. What the hell do I do so wrong, to attract the wrong men, but the smart, good ones, I cant get?

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*frowns* That’s odd that he said he only wanted friendship after all of that. Either he was indecisive or he was stringing you along. :S Sorry it didn’t work out. The right person will come along, realize how great you are, and stick by your side. I know what it’s like to want that person to just show up already. *hugs* Thinking of & praying for you, dear Mandi. Love you. You deserve the best, always.

Have I thrown this out there? I honestly can’t recall if I have. My mind’s scattered. If I have, it bears repeating & if not, you’ll have a new piece of info. Have you ever tried writing letters to a soulmate? You can address your letter to him & clearly explain what you’re looking for. Share, vent, confess – let it out. Keep explaining what kind of mate & relationship you want & have faith that you’ll get it. It will be cathartic, it’ll clarify your needs & wants, & it’ll bring you closer to someone good. It sounds odd but I tried this for 5 years or so & it worked. I didn’t even realize it had till I reread the letters later & realized Red essentially fit everything I’d been looking for. He has those letters now. Anyway, it’s definitely worth a try. 🙂 Someone wonderful will come along & treat you & James well. I believe that. Keep faith. Love you. Much love & many hugs.

*huge hugs* I feel for ya… I can’t get ANY man it seems… not local anyway.

good men are hard to find, most are just boys who like to screw around and be reckless and just plain stupid. they say girls have issues. at least we deal with them. its not your fault, although i can see how that would sting. ive been stung like that. we made out then ignored me the next time i saw him! he even asked me to meet him there. men.

When men do not want to ‘date’ that doesn’t mean that you are doing anything wrong. It just means this is just NOT the right man for you. Hear him for what he is saying and don’t go any further with it. Sometimes men say that when they don’t want commitment but DO want sex etc. So stick with what he first says to you and if your FRIEND wants to get closer remind him of his words to you that youjust are looking for friends. If he changes his mind and says now he wants closer, lol, tell him you want to set the wedding date then. lol.. That solves all your problems and then just keep on making good friends and one day, you will find someone JUST for you.