Im fucking over it.

So, first off… thank you, those of you, who noted my last entry, and thank you, those of you, who have been available for me, or made yourself avail… or reached out to me, in any way, shape, or form the last few days. *soft smiles* It has made the one year mark tolerable.

We were susposed to do a "In memory Mass" tomorrow, but the Luceros waited to long to book the church, therefore leaving things high and dry. She is now trying to book it for his birthday in march. *rolls my eyes* Hes been dead a year. Nothing is going to change by praying for his soul now…

Anyways. That said… I did have a drs apt today. I was excited, because it was on a Sat, and I should have known better… after working for a ER for three yrs, you think I would have this down.

When they scheduled me, they neglected to tell me this was more a emergency care type visit, not the establish care type visit.

Which, lead to a 2 hour visit, which went no where, and yet, may have provided a lead all the same.

The dr I saw today mentioned he thinks I might have Cushings, along with my Antithrombian III defeciency. ( could be the cause of all my issues.

And, not to mention, when I saw this dr today… The $40 coypay was NOT worth it. I explained my pain was NON HEADACHE RELATED, and he still prescribed me the same thing they gave me for migraines, back in May, which DO NOT WORK.


Im off for the night. But, yes, in answer to questions, I am okay. Scared? As hell. In a massive amount of pain. Nervous about tomorrow. And no, if you dont know, I wont tell you why. It has nothing to do with Felix or his family though.

I will update tomorrow evening… possibly… or, maybe sometime this week, if we are lucky…

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*hugs* I’m always here Mandi… just a phone call away. 🙂