Fast update *E*

Really fast, letting you all know, we are moved. However, my internet connection is crap at best, and so my updating/ reading/ noting may be slow… They are coming in Tues morning to connect the internet and cable, so once its connected, it will be better.


I love and miss you all. Ill do my best to keep on top of things, but cant promise…


And PS… yes, I LOVE it here… I am just soo exausted… moving everything up three flights of stairs, SUCKS.


PPS…. if you have the number, feel free to text or call me… 😀 



Something was just pointed out to me, when I managed to come to moms, to chat and use the internet…

Today, I had a total of 4 kids help us, plus numerous adults. One of the children, Lisa, told me mom something that makes my blood run cold tonight…

We had 3 trucks involved in this mess, and when we came back to moms, for lunch, Lisa ran to the truck her mom has to get something out. When she came back in, she looked flushed… so when confronted, she told my mom she saw something in the back of the big truck bed, and it bothers her. So, when her and my mom went out there to find out what this thing was, it got out of the truck bed, and walked to the mailbox on the corner of the house.

My mom walked up to it, and during this, Lisa stopped my mom, telling her, "Aunt Mel, its mad at you! It doesnt like you.."

Shortly thereafter, it went away. For now…

The thing that bothers me, is many of you know about the three I have delt with during my two years in the old apartment. One was Felix, one was a small, angry child… and the woman. The woman is believed to be Felix’s dead sister, from years ago, who was involved in a tragic drunk driver accident.

The three of them, were not harmful in any way. Just let their presence be known.

I have a feeling this new one, would be.

My mom said she has a impression it was male, adult, and angry.

*Shudders* He hasnt followed me upstairs to the new place, yet, and Im hoping he stays with the truck… if so, it was definatly confused. Thank God.

Maybe it will stay that way… if it does come to "visit" it will find I am not a very responsive person to harmful energy, and will find itself outted and kicked out.


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That’s a little freaky!! Take care Mandi, please.