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Yes! No news is good news! Or so the docs say anyway… it’s neurtal news, and neutral is well… NEUTRAL!

*hugs* Update as much as you want, about whatever you want. 🙂 Love you. Much love & many hugs.

Amanda, I’m sorry I didn’t get online to read your past week’s entries as they were occurring. I don’t have the internet at work, and once I get home, my time can be commanded quite easily by others. I’m quite happy to read you are going back to school. This feels likes a very good thing 🙂 What are your tattoo’s of? I saw the photos you posted, and have to point out that I think you are abeautiful young woman, with very expressive eyes. And don’t you have the coquette’s smile in that last one? I hope you have a good week, this week. And that your thoughts aren’t so full of death, in the many aspects it seemed to visit upon you last week. And I keep repeating (even lecturing, but I’m old enough to be your mom, so I can do it…lol), you deserve only those who love you for who you are. Until you believe that, TRULY believe it, I fear you will always set yourself up for disappointment…hence the interest in those who are not available. *hugs*