Yasmin Warning (AKA Yaz)







Yasmin, also known as Yaz, has been found to be in the top 10 of leading birth controls that cause blood clots or strokes.

I called the stroke clinic today, to try and start getting a second opionion. When I called, she got to questioning me about my age, and commented on how young I am… And then she stopped, and asked me, very quietly, if I had ever taken the birth control Yasmin, or Yaz. I told her yes, from 2003- 2005, and then calmly asked her why. She got quiet, thinking, and then provided me a number to a lawyer, who is doing a class act suite against the company who manufactures Yez. It has been proven that Yaz may have caused several women my age and younger even to have strokes, or blood clots. And so, the testing begins. I have a apt the 13th for my second opinion. We have verified that yesterdays incident was a stroke. While I am proud I survived it, I am scared, because it hit hard, and fast, and they are coming more frequently. I have a ultimate fear of being trapped in my own body, unable to reach out, tell people what hurts, or whats wrong. That is a fate worse then death.

Im praying that Yasmin (as awful as this counds) was the cause, because then it means we have a starting point. I dont even care about the money, because what amount can they pay me to give me my memories back? or my life, for that matter? They cant.

But, please, if your on Yaz, re evaluate. Its a scary birth control with lasting effects, and this is one thing I wouldnt even wish on my worst enemy. *Downcast head* 



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OH MY GOSH!! How scary!! I do hope they find something to get you on the road to recovery, for GOOD. Love you hon.

*Huge Hugs* I’m thinking about you Mandi. Lots of love, R

My best friend took Yaz for a few months and then she got pregnant. She doesn’t recommend it to anyone, and considering all the warnings listed on their commercials.. No thanks. I am glad you’re finally getting answers. *hugs* Love mucho

OMG that’s what I TAKE!!! I’m so going to f*cking switch!!! :O I was going to anyway but..now especially!

I”m calling my doctor first thing in the morning and seeing if they’ll switch me earlier. I’m due to start my new pack asap. Thank you so much for letting me know this. I know most B/C pills do put you at higher risk for that but this is just damn scary!!!

oh man 🙁 *big hugs*

Oh, wow! I kind of hope it was Yaz that caused it, too. That would be an answer and maybe help with how to treat it. *shakes head* What a shame, though, that a medication could do such a thing. The money would help to make your life easier and provide for James. And they certainly do owe you if that was the cause. Sorry to hear that you had another stroke. I know you just want this sh*t to >>

>> quit so you can get back to living your life. Lots of love, Momma Gem

ryn: Called my doctor’s office. I’m off yasmin! I just have to wait until Aug 19 to get a new pill (Thinking I’ll get Ortho-Tri Cyclin. I took that for years) Just will be off the pill til then. Blah.

*big hugs* I remember seeing the commercial for Yasmin on TV. If it is causing your medical problems then getting a lawyer is a good idea. Keep us updated on how you are doing. Much love and many hugs. You’re in my prayers.