First, I’m sorry I’ve been really bad about updating recently. I just…never seem to feel like updating, even though I have lots to say. Not only do I need to be better about updating here, but I need to be good about updating my other recent diary on Oh, and I have 10 invites to if someone would like one. You might be able to join on your own without an invite, but don’t hold me to that.
It’s been a busy 10 days or so. I saw my friend Steve last Friday (so just over a week ago now). It was good to see him and yes, prior to that night, I did like him (and apparently I’m transparent in that department, go figure :-P) But while he’s a nice guy, I’m certain he’s not the guy for me. We did spend 4 hours talking as we walked the mall and then sat in the food court.
Then on Sunday I had my solo that I’ve been practicing since before Thanksgiving. The one that had the nasty nasty note (plus, it was a 7th). It went well, though not as well as I’d have liked. My problem seems to be that I get up there, and my breath support goes right out the window. But it went well. However, as I was leaving the chapel before Sacrament meeting to warm up with my accompaniest and go through the song once, a member of the bishopric wanted to talk to me for a minute. At that point, I really didn’t have a minute as I had no real idea how long it would take to warm me up (sometimes it takes five minutes, other times it can take more) and go through the song (the song was in the neighborhood of 4 minutes). So he asked if he could talk to me right after Sacrament meeting before I had to run off to Primary (my class is old enough to sit by themselves for a minute if necessary – they’re Valiant 12s). Turns out he wanted to give me another calling – Ward Chorister. So right now I have two callings, which I’m okay with, to tell you the truth. I had asked him if it would change anything with Primary and he said it wouldn’t, so long as I thought I could handle them both. Apparently they have issues getting people into Primary and keeping them there. However, I LOVE Primary. As I thought about my new calling this week, I was reminded of the first time I was called as the Ward Chorister my senior year of high school. This time, I know what I’m doing. And then when I was set apart today, I was reminded of just how well the Lord knows each of us. The specific things I had been thinking about this week in regards to the new calling were the things said when I was set apart.