Survey #3


1. Birth name:
Jacqueline * *

2. Birth date:

3. Birth origins:
Evanston, IL

4. What name would you have hated to have:

5. What’s the first thing you recall when you think about your childhood:
change (thanks to moving around the world)

6. Your first word:
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the story of what my first word was

7. Favorite picture of you when you were a kid:
I’m not more than 3 years old and I’m sitting on the floor in front of my dad.  He’s sitting with his back up against the couch and we’re watching tv.  Supposedly we’re watching the Chicago Bears

8. Who took care of you:
My parents – mom and dad

9. Your mother’s maiden name:

10. Your race:
Boring question


11. Song to sum up who you are:
Honestly, I’m not sure.  The first song that comes to mind is Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson, but I dunno…

12. List 3 OBJECTS that give us a sense of what you’re like:
a. laptop
b. iPod
c. any novel

13. Be blunt. What’s one thing you love about yourself:
My sarcastic nature…I tend to be very sarcastic and I’m comfortable with that

14. Do you have your crazy moments or are your pretty rational overall:
I have those moments of complete insanity, but I try to be rational

15. What’s your first move when you are angry:
Depends on why I’m angry and who I’m angry at or with

16. Do you think you have a personality disorder:
a personality disorder? Does ADD count?

17. Are you private about yourself:
Most definitely.  There aren’t many people I open up to

18. Do you feel down-to-earth or somewhat removed from society:
I feel down-to-earth most times

19. Is there more to hate or more to love about you:
I honestly don’t know

20. Name someone who is your twin soul:
*shrugs* I dont know


21. Rate it on a scale of one to ten:
5 or a 6 these days

22. What was the worst year for you:
most of 2000 – it was a rough year

23. Is your life exciting enough to be written down in a book:
Right now it’s not, but I hope someday it is

24. Which represents your life best — bright colors or dark colors:
I hate either or questions…my life doesn’t fit neatly into either category

25. Do you live in the moment:

26. Do you sometimes sit and wonder how you got to where you are today:
Without a doubt, particularly when I remember that I’ve been out of high school for almost four years and my youngest brother is about to graduate from high school and I still remember the day he was born!

27. How could life be better for you right now:
It would be better if I really got a handle on some of the things Im struggling with.  I imagine I’ll struggle with them all of my life, but it’d be nice to feel like I’m getting somewhere with them.

28. So far, has all of it been worth it:

29. The greatest lesson you’ve learned:
Aside from being honest with others, be honest with yourself.

30. Your philosophy:
Lying to yourself is even worse than lying to others


31. What’s your creed? Meaning, if you had to put your beliefs into a personal statement, what would that statement say:
As I think about a single statement, I can’t think of anything that really conveys it…any single statement I can think of is so inadequate

32. Do you concern yourself with the afterlife:

33. Is it wrong to promote one’s beliefs in order to convert others:
nope…why should you keep the good stuff to yourself?

34. What’s one religion, other than your own, that you’ve been curious to try:
I’ve never been interested in "trying" another religion, but I’ve definitely been interested in learning more about other religions

35. At what age did you start thinking about your soul:
12 probably, when I first got to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead.

36. Is there such a thing as a soul:

37. What is the true nature of humans:

38. In your opinion, why is there suffering in the world:
Because people can make their own choices

39. If you created your own religion, would it be a peaceful or violent:
Why would I want to?  I can’t do better than Heavenly Father can…

40. What do you value:


41. Where do you live:
Southern WI

42. What’s your neighbor like:
I like most of our neighbors…they’re (almost) all really nice and (almost) all have kids

43. Do you like to keep yourself in a busy or peaceful atmosphere:
Depends on what my mood is and what I need to get done

44. The color of your room:
light blue walls and royal blue carpeting

45. What are the people like in your country:
rather materialistic at times, sometimes self-centered, and sometimes completely self-less

46. Is pollution a problem around your area:

47. What do you hate about the place you live in:
rinky dink town

48. How could your neighborhood be better: 
You know, I’m not sure really.  I really like the neighborhood, always have 

49. What’s the most exciting thing to do in your town:
for exciting, you’ve gotta drive the 15 minutes into the nearest city that has a population over 15,000…and then it’s stuff on campus downtown

50. If you could live anywhere else, where would that be:
I’ve always wanted to live in Washington, D.C. … but then I’m an American history buff too.  I’ve lived overseas and while I’d like to go back and visit, I dont know that I’d want to live overseas again in today’s political climate.


51. If you had three daughters, what would you name them:
a. Chelsea
b. Charlotte
c. Amber

52. If you had three sons, what would you name them:
a. Mark
b. Aiden
c.  Ryan

53. Name a situation where you believe you’d lose control and kill another individual:
you know, I honestly don’t know.  I can’t think of one.  Killing someone is something I’ve always said I’d never do and

it’s so ingrained into me that I don’t think even losing control would overrule that.

54. If you found an undiscovered tribe, what would be the first thing you would give them from the new world:
first thought is a computer, but lol without electricity what good would that do them?

55. If a homeless man approached you as you’re leaving a restaurant and asked for your leftovers, would you give it to him:
I don’t actually tend to take leftovers home with me…

56. Would you ever slap your child if your child slapped you: 
Slap no, spanking…perhaps

57. If given the opportunity to re-play a memory, what would you ask to relive through: maybe the weekend I spent with my dad at the Cubs Convention in January of 2003

58. If you were to be on a talk show, what would the episode be called:
Soon to be College Graduates

59. If you were to be executed, what would be your last thought:
What kind of a question is that?

60. If you could give a gift to your maker, what would you give:
Oh wow, I dont honestly know.


61. Short-term goals:
Deal with finals, get good grades, graduate from college in December

62. Long-term goals: 
Find a boyfriend –> get married in the temple –> start a family 

63. Why do you want to accomplish these goals:
because I want to progress with my life

64. Do you feel you have enough motivation to do the things you want to do:
most days I certainly think so

65. Who/What is blocking you from what you want to do:
Myself on one level, with my ADD causing the problems that it does

66. Do you plan for the future:
Not until recently – which apparently is a problem with untreated ADD/ADHD

67. What’s a recent opportunity that you passed up:
party downtown for a friend’s 21st birthday party – didn’t want to deal with the drinking/alcohol issues

68. Do you envy those who have their shit together:

69. What motivates you to see tomorrow:
I can’t do the things I want to do (boyfriend–>married–>family) if I don’t see tomorrow

70. Someone who inspires you:
I’ve never really thought about it…


71. Who do you love most:
my parents probably

72. Are you a caring person:

73. Do you know someone who loves you, but you do not return their love:
I’ve never been able to tell when someone likes me . . .

74. What/Who was your first love:
Kirk perhaps, but at most it was a "puppy love" as I was 13-14 at the time

75. Your favorite love song:
Hero by Enrique Iglesias

76. Have you ever met someone who didn’t deserve love:

77. Do you give a lot of love to others:
I certainly try…whether I’m always successful, you’d have to ask those around me

78. Do you keep enough love for yourself:
There are days I wonder

79. Is there lack of love in society today:

80. Where can love always be found:
in Heavenly Father


81. Out of the seven deadly sins, which one are you guilty of most:
sloth probably

82. Name one event where you didn’t offer help to someone who needed it. Why did you restrain yourself from helping:
I should know better than to do surveys at 9:15 at night when Im tired of thinking!

83. Last thing you lusted after:

84. Last time you acted out in anger?
acted out?  I dunno

85. Do you buy too many things you don’t need:
from time to time (I tend to buy impulsively from time to time – another issue with ADD)

86. What’s one trait in people that you resent:

87. Have you ever put someone’s life in danger:
I don’t know

88. Did you ever spread a rumor:

89. What’s the ugliest thing you’ve done that you’re sure you’ll regret for a very long time:
Ugly?  I dunno about ugly, but the thing I’ve regretted for awhile is the debacle of 8th grade and the mess with Kirk

90. What would hell be like for you:


91. Last time you acted out of kindness:
Acted out of kindness? Let my dad take my car to the movies.  He had promised my brother that he could take my dad’s truck to work, and that meant my dad was left with either taking my car or the clunker my brother usually drives.  I let my dad borrow my car (and yes, it is my car – I’m the one making the car payments)

92. Last time you told the truth:
See question 91 above? 😛

93. Have you ever changed someone for the better:
I certainly hope so!

94. Have you ever let go of your past mistakes:
Yep, though I should learn to do it easier and more often, instead of letting them haunt me

95. Would you take a bullet for anyone:
I’d like to think so, but I think that’s something you truly don’t know how you’d react until you’re in that situation

96. Would you agree that you’re trustworthy:

97. Who was the last person that came to you for advice:
Philly I think

98. What’s the most likeable trait that others see in you:
Kindness I think

99. What do you hope for the world:

100. What would heaven be like for you:
Being with my family forever, along with living with Heavenly Father and Jesus.

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