Couple things today…

First off…seriously ESPN, there is more to the baseball world than the Yankees and the Red Sox.  Rich Hill is the best pitcher in baseball right now and he doesn’t even get a link on the baseball page of ESPN, let alone serious discussion on Baseball Tonight. 

Of course, Rich Hill is fantastic last night, while the Cubs have issues today against the Cardinals.  Bizarre game, but when the Cubs and Cards play, anything can and usually does happen. 

Bulls start their playoff series against the Heat tomorrow afternoon and I’m picking the Bulls to win.  They gave the Heat all they could handle last year and the Bulls have only gotten better while the Heat are older (and in their case, not a good thing) and are the "walking wounded."  So tomorrow I have to decide what I want to watch on tv, as the Bulls and Cubs will be on tv at the same time.

I was going to email Keith and see if he wanted to do something tomorrow, but in the end, I didn’t.  I definitely will email him at some point, even if to just study together downtown in one of the many libraries on campus.  *Grins* When I do, I’ll be nice and take a pic of him with my camera phone and email it to myself so I can post it here

I’ve tried studying tonight and it’s only marginally worked. Now whether that’s a function of my meds not working or the fact that it’s a gorgeous day outside and putting it off sounds so much more fun, I’m not sure.  I’ll find out in the coming days for sure.  One of the things I am going to pay attention to tonight is how tired I am at 10pm.  Though I won’t be going to bed at 10, I need to take inventory of how easy it might be to fall asleep now that I’m on 40mg of Ritalin in the morning.  If I can sleep, that’s one problem solved.  Then it’ll be a question of how well it works for lecture, general focus when studying at night, and reading comprehension.  One of the problems with ADD is reading comprehension.  Now I read great when it comes to reading for fun.  When it comes to reading for class, I have to read something over and over again before it sticks in my head and I can remember it.  Part of the problem is focus.  So Monday will be a big test for the new med.

I have an appt w/ my counselor on Monday afternoon after my last lecture.  It’s been quite awhile since I had an appointment with her, so I don’t precisely know how it’ll go.    I certainly have a lot of choices in deciding what to talk about though as it’s been so long. 

Finally, I’m singing in church on Sunday.  This time around, I’m already a little nervous.  In the past, I haven’t been nervous until I got to church the Sunday I was singing.  Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I have a voice teacher this time and I’ve really been working on it.  *Shrugs* We’ll see how it goes on Sunday.  It’s a really pretty song and fits well into my range (I’m a soprano and can hit a high B flat after I’m warmed up.  My range is about 2 octaves, though there are notes on either side that I can hit on a good day)

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