Watching House….

Watching House…and my running commentary

  • Looks like House and the Ducklings were getting ready to leave for the day…
  • uhh did they really have to show the inside of her body like that?
  • And that sucks, Chase went home and has the right answer in the morning
  • Err yeah, I like Jennifer and Jesse together in real life, but as Cameron and Chase…not so much
  • I’m definitely ready for Cameron to stop acting like an idiot
  • These days, I’m definitely a Foreman fan, with Cameron and Chase acting like idiots and having sex everywhere
  • I’ve always loved the byplay between House and Wilson
  • Errr….what’s wrong with her face? I swear, this is already a strange episode and it’s only 15 minutes into it
  • *screams* House and Cameron need to deal with their problems outside of work
  • LOL neither Cameron nor Chase look pleased in the elevator and why would the kid be giving Cameron flowers….OOOO the kid stole the flowers
  • Awww, Cam giving the kid a kiss on the cheek, partly to annoy Chase
  • Cam!  Do you have to be such a witch to Chase?
  • Oh yeah, that’s great, Cam and Chase under the bed together…NO! Cam don’t even think about going back with Chase…you deserve to be with House 😛
  • Uhh…LOL Foreman asking the tough questions and being the tough guy  It’s been awhile s ince Foreman really played the tough guy
  • At least Cameron’s doing the exam and questions  That’s gotta be one scared kid
  • OOOO Why do all of a sudden I think her brother is cutting her?
  • Okay, what’s with House and this particular clinic patient?
  • House cracks me up
  • AHHHHH, House and Wilson went to the play – it’s about time
  • I’ve missed this byplay between House and Wilson
  • Wilson is so messing with House and it’s great
  • Errr, that’s another twist – a six year old girl has started puberty and that also might explain the cuts – not knowing what’s going on, being scared,  etc
  • She’s talking 😛 She wants juice That makes her Dad and Cameron smile
  • You know, I’m actually hoping Cameron’s right
  • LOL, Chase spilling his guts to Foreman
  • It can’t just be a tumor causing problems, it’s too early for that
  • I can’t stop grinning now, Cuddy wants to see Wilson naked hehe and Wilson has a bit of a gleam in his eyes
  • This is cracking me up—OOOOO House sent the flowers to Wilson-that really cracks me up
  • Okay, what’s with this kid? Checking out Cameron’s butt?  He’s only 8! Grabbing Cameron’s butt? Seriously…there’s something wrong there
  • I wonder if he’s having some of the same kinds of hormonal problems as his sister
  • No, Cameron…dont give Chase the doe eyes…
  • The kid has problems…now I just wonder what they are and what’s going to happen to Chase
  • Gah, House has that look like he’s figured something out – brother’s got whatever sister’s got
  • I can’t decide if I like this version of Cameron
  • GAH! House and Cameron arguing like this….it’s been awhile
  • And we’re getting more of a picture of Cameron’s life pre-fellowship
  • HOUSE! What kind of a question was that to ask the kid
  • I’m missing something
  • Okay, that ending was a bit of a letdown I think
  • ooo…House in glasses is good, especially when talking to Wilson
  • Wilson and Cuddy sitting in a tree…K-I-S-S-I-N-G
  • Wilson finally figured out House sent Cuddy the flowers and Wilson really does want to kiss Cuddy….aww darn
  • This was such a fun episode
  • Dang it…I really dont want Chase and Cameron together and Chase looks so crushed
  • Now why does it sound like Cuddy likes Wilson?

Okay, that was a fantastic episode…absolutely loved it.  And next week’s ep looks great too.  I love House 🙂

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