Survey #2

1. What time is it? 7:40 PM.

2. Are you a procrastinator? unfortunately…

3. Are you happy? Why or why not? I’ve been kinda depressed this week actually…too much crap going on, but it’s better now that I’ve decided to change jobs

4. Describe a happy memory of a time you’ve spent with the opp. sex.: Just one?  I have so many happy memories from 8th and 9th grade of doing things and just talking with Kirk.  Of course, I’ve long since lost touch with him and that makes me sad.
5. Describe a happy memory of a time you’ve spent with the same sex.: going out to dinner with Sarah M in December when we were both home from college.

6. Describe how you feel rite now. unsettled, bored

7. Describe your favorite outfit…favorite outfit?  I don’t really have one

8. Describe your past. I moved WAY too many times as a kid…and between the two occurrences, I lived overseas for about 5 ½ years (1 ½ first in Singapore, then back to the states before 4 years in Taiwan)

9. Describe your present. College senior graduating in December and scared out of my mind about it.

10. Describe your future. Somewhere in politics (I would hope so with a poli sci degree!), but don’t ask where – I have no idea

11. Describe your job. Do you like it? Why or why not? It’s menial office work – filing data entry, inventory.  I absolutely hate it.  I don’t have to think and overall it’s not a good fit and if I have it my way, it wont be my job for long

12. Describe an embarrassing moment? I prefer to lock them away and never think of them again

13. Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not? no…I dunno

14. Do you believe in second chances? Why or why not?  Part of me wants to say no, part of me wants to say yes.  No, because I never got a second chance with Kirk.  Yes, because I got a second chance to connect with Allison when she found me last May.

15. Do you find this statement true: At one point in a girl/guy friendship one of them will like each other even if it’s only for a lil’ while. Yeah, maybe.  The only two guys I’ve ever been good friends with I’ve liked at one point

16. Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Why or why not? depends on the day lol
17. Do you stay in bed thinking or do you fall asleep in like 5 seconds? My brain takes forever to shut off…I would love to be able to fall asleep in 5 seconds

18. Do you take a shower or a bath? showers usually

19. Do you talk to your self? all the time

20. Do you think that the world is messed up? yep

21. Do you know what 143 means? Do you have any special "codes"? I don’t know what it means and I really don’t have any special codes

22. How do you feel about rumors? Where there ever rumors started about you? I hate rumors – they only cause problems…and yes, there have been nasty rumors started about me before.

23. How do you react to change? Better than I used to…

24. How would you feel if you got a flower from a guy? I’d go all soft and gooey inside – I’ve never received a flower from a guy

25. How is your happiness level right now? (0-10) 5 probably

26. If world war III broke out, what would you say? Is that to say it hasn’t already?

27. If you could dye your hair any color what color would you choose? Maybe a lighter brown than it currently is…I’m not very adventurous there…

28. If you had the chance to slow down your growth now and live to 500 years but it’s Like a 50 year old body by then, would you go for it? no, because it’d get too hard watching everyone I loved die<


29. If you could live any where in the world where would you live and why? Out east somewhere…Washington, D.C. perhaps (I like politics, plus the city has so much to offer an American history buff)

30. If you were trapped on a dessert island what one thing would you hope to have with you? another person or a friendly animal to keep me company.

31. If you woke up one morning and found out you were going to stay in the body you have now for the rest of your life, what would you think? *Shrugs* oh well

32. Is cursing a necessity in life? NO

33. Is it right to flirt if you are in a relationship? nope

34. What 5 people do you trust and are open with the most? Sarah, Megan, Brianna…uh

35. What annoys you? cities that routinely get good-sized amounts of snow and still can’t deal with it

36. What coat do you wear in the winter? My warm Columbia jacket

37. What do you care about the most? The most?  That requires too much thought

38. What do you do to relief stress? I like painting wooden craft pieces and reading

39. What do you think of guys who wear nail polishes? They’re strange

40. What do you think of lies? What is the biggest lie you ever told? Lies cause a lot of problems…and the biggest lie I’ve ever told…The one I told myself back in 8th grade
41. What do you think of soul mates? Great for fiction…not so sure about real life

42. What do you think of the quote "The eyes are the passageways into the soul"?  I dunno…I’ve never noticed
43. What food brings back good memories? the chocolate covered crèmes we make at Christmastime

44. What happens when you hear the word Christmas? I grin 

45. What is a song lyric that means something to you? Any of the lyrics to Hero by Enrique Iglesias or God Bless The USA by Lee Greenwood

46. What is going on in the world that affects you the most? Why? probably the current race for the White House – I’m heading into a time of my life where government has more impact on my life than it ever did before

47. What size is your bed? twin, I think

48. What time did you go to sleep last nite? What time do you go to sleep usually?  Not til 11:30, which was way too late for someone getting up at 6:30…during the week it’s usually about 10:30 (I really need to sleep at 10 to not be tired the next morning)


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