Survey #1

What color hair do you have? brown
What color eyes do you have? hazel
How tall are you? 5’1"
How much do you weigh? Don’t you know you’re not supposed to ask a girl how much she weighs?
Do you have any tattoos? no
Do you have any piercings? had my ears pierced, but they’ve closed now since I had problems with them getting infected
Do you wear glasses? yes
Is your hair naturally straight, curly, or wavy? thin and straight
How long is your hair? a few inches below my shoulders
Do you dye your hair? no
Have you dyed it in the past? just highlights in the past
How often do you wash your hair? every day or every other day (sometimes my hair behaves better if I skip a day washing it/getting it wet)
Do you blow-dry your hair? when I have the time and patience
Do you straighten it? don’t need to
How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day
How often do you shower/bathe? once a day
Do you paint your nails? no
When showering, do you start the water then get in or get in then start the water? I start the water, get it to the right temp, then get in
Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? Only when I first buy it
Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? I dont think I ever showered or bathed with my brothers.  There are, however, blackmail pictures somewhere around the house of my brothers in the bathtub together when they were no older than 5 and 7 respectively
Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? no
Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? it hurts!
What’s the last song you sang in the shower? "Look On Him And Live" by Sally DeFord (I’m singing it in church in a few weeks)
What kind of shampoo do you use? Suave
What kind of conditioner do you use? same
What color is your shower? white
What color is your towel? red
Do you shave in the shower? Yeah, but definitely more often in the summer…what’s the point otherwise?  Not like I have a boyfriend or someone else who’s going to see my legs on a routine basis
What color is your razor? pink
Does your shower have a seat in it? I wish
What is your soap opera name? (Your middle name becomes your first name and your last name is the name of the street of the house you grew up in) Michelle Prairieview (I’ve moved so many times that I just picked my current street name!)
If you were a lotion, what kind would you be? I dunno
Blue or black ink? blue
Have you ever taped/stapled a post-it note to anyone’s forehead? No
Can you touch your foot to your noggin? used to be able to…but it’s been a long time since I was that flexible
Have you ever licked a wild turkey? If so, why? why in the world would I do a stupid thing like that?
What’s funnier to hit someone in the head with: a 2-liter bottle of cola or a taco? huh?
How many times have you walked into/through a glass door? I dont know for sure, but I’m sure I’ve done it as our old house had a sliding glass door to get outside
Are you looking at my arse? cant see it
What scares you more: man with a knife or circus folk? These days, it’s a man with a knife…used to be clowns
Adidas or Nike? Neither, I’m all about New Balance
If you were a Little Debbie product, which one would you be? Nutty Bars
What’s the most irritating type of spam e-mail? porn spam
Have you ever lassoed a squirrel with a shoestring? Please explain. WHAT?
If you were stranded on a desert island, what type of perfume/cologne would you bring so you didn’t kill animals with your stench? anything from Bath & Body Works – I’m addicted to their stuff even if it is deadly to my bank account
Are you enjoying this survey thus far? sure-anything to keep my mind moving and not writing my paper or studying for my exam
Regular spress candy or chewy spress candy? chewy
When was the last time you took a recreational swim in a public fountain? I dont actually think I’ve ever done that
If you were a pop-tart, what kind would you be? smores
If confronted, would you instinctively use the windmilling arms type of self defense? I think I’d scream as loud as I could and definitely hurt the "family jewels" so to speak
Have you ever had a crush on one of your guy friends? yes – and it didn’t turn out well but that’s a LONG story for another day (if someone’s actually reading this, if you want to know the story, leave a note and request the story in an entry :-p)
What’s the longest friendship you’ve ever had? Interesting question, as my first friend ever found me about a year ago after having lost contact for 10 years.  I’d have to say my closest continual friend has been my friend for almost 7 years
Let’s say you have a boyfriend. Would you choose your boyfriend over your best friend? nope.  If I have to make the choice, the boyfriend isn’t worth my time
Let’s say you’re single. Would you compete with your best friend for a guy?I’d knock some sense into my friend and then tell her I’d be there for her when she figured out

what was really important
You are on your way out the door to see your favorite band in concert. The phone rings. Your best friend just got dumped by her year long boyfriend and needs your support. What do you do? Bring her with me – she was going with me to begin with
All you get for your birthday from your best friend is them saying "Happy Birthday". Do you get them a present when there’s rolls around? Yep
Your best friend borrows your favorite pair of jeans and stains them. What do you do?let her keep them.
Would you ever agree to double date with your friend, her crush, and his friend if it meant she might get to hook up with her crush? LOL yes, because a friend did that for me once (and of course, it was a disaster and is part of the LONG story mentiond above)
Which of your friends are the funniest? Definitely Megan
Which is the loudest? Megan, without a doubt
Which is the shyest? Used to be Elise; not sure anymore
Which of your friends is most likely to end up in prison? Megan, for doing something stupid
Which of your friends do you think will end up the most successful? Sarah
Which of your friends do you think will get married first? Megan (though two people in my graduating class who I’d never have pictured together and weren’t dating when we graduated in May ’03 recently got married to each other)
Which of your friends is most likely to end up an unwed teen mother? As my friends no longer qualify as teens…
If your friendship motto could be summed up in a bumpersticker, what would the fender of your car read? guys are temporary, gal pals are for life
Have you ever read your friend’s real diary without them knowing? No, that’d just be mean

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