Ton of bricks…
Make up my wall…
How could you think you could bring it down…
Do you really know who I am?
Worlds apart…
seems like forever…
I just know whats been done..used, abused, thrown away.
Yeah, its my life.
I’m enchanted.
You see me…smiling, cheery..laughing..Its beautiful in here…
Deep down,
away from the crowds…
Do you know whats inside?
Have you looked in my castle keep?
Does anyone really care…
fine, great, good..yeah sure
never speak the truth…
everyone lives the lie.
Feelings… hard, cold and brittle,
What makes you think you’d understand?
Rosy glasses…
pretty and pink…
I see whats right, good, and best for me.
Friends, yeah right,
there in my head…
they entertain me…
all in my mind.
Yeah..its a grand place…
I’m enchanted.
Every now then I come out…
Just to see what it is I am missing…
all it does…
is make me laugh, and cry,
Lord knows
I didn’t want them to see me.
Inside this place, away from them,
in this castle keep
I’m enchanted.
I close my eyes, and I am not alone.
How can I fit in,
not knowing who,
or where I am.
I’m enchanted.