I Feel Like A Dork, I Do Not Get FB

I go to Facebook and I everything I see makes me want to run. Is there no privacy there? I want to choke my friend for posting a pic of me.. tho it was sweet but geez, then I see all that has commented on it and I think wtf.. why does my whole family have contact on my friends fb page.

I was glad that a friend that lives in Mexico found me but I wondered how? How in the heck did she find me and how do I find people and if I do, how do I hide them from some family members that want to be all over the place.

I am a dork, I don’t get it and it gives me a headache. I want privacy and want only people I want to see what I want there, so until I figure it out, I refuse to even use my real name there… and they still find me..how in the hell does someone find you on face book when you are not even using your real name.. example my friend in Mexico.

And….. then, I was trying to search for people and came across an idiot and commented and now is my family going to see that I commented on that persons page? It was not bad.. he posted he is 68 years old and wants a female 18 years younger than himself. Wtf? I realize age at some point does not matter.. too much but why if you really want someone would you limit yourself. So I told him blah blah he may be passing up a good old young girl. But I don’t want my noisy neice and cousin seeing I posted it. I think I better stay off there and I see why the stock is low.. lol.

I have been gone from home since the first of June or close to it. I had just had my house painted and had new carpet laid and I can’t even remember what it looks like. I just know I left the place a mess. I think we will be heading to flordia in a few weeks for a few weeks then going home. Hub is hauling my sailboat out west for me.. I heart him for that. I really need to get back on the sea and smell salt air.


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I have like 16 friends. It makes me sad. I really don’t like it, but it’s the only way to keep in touch with certain people now. if you’d like we can add each other and be confused together?

I am not good at finding people on FB, so here I am, easy peasy (I think): https://www.facebook.com/allthisandnothing

yeah fb isnt for those who want privacy thats for sure. there are ways to make yourself private, but then….what would be the point? its a social network….so not really much point in staying private. *shrugs*

August 23, 2012

This is why I’ve always thought you are awesome. :))

August 23, 2012

FB just isn’t that customizable, as posted you can be private or you can set posts so only friends see or friends of friends, but you can’t choose specific people, and I too think that you should.

August 23, 2012

I am SURE you can sort all those people out. I never DOUBT your capabilities in that area chuckles

August 8, 2013

One way people can find you even if your fb profile doesn’t use your real name is they can search by your your email address