Remember Me?

It has been a long time so this could be really really really long.

A special Thank You to those that left a note wondering about me. Whhhhaaaa, it almost made me cry but everything makes me cry. I think about people and I have left those notes, I was just touched and suprised to see them left for me… thank you again.

I will start where perhaps I left off.

Toni with the help of a lot of prayers finally pulled though and maybe it home after 12 weeks of being in the hospital. She is continuing to do well.

I go next week to a hearing regarding the children in foster care. I am sure I will bring 3 or 4 of them home with me for awhile since school is out. Though I am not taking any of them it is nice that when they are put up for adoption I come with them. The family has to agree to me the aunt staying in their life or they cannot adopt. Only a very small chance that any will be adopted and I am looking for people myself.

I found moral mushrooms growing in one of my flower beds and had 2 yummy bunches of them. I hope they return next year. That was a treasure!

My Mums is still here and we are still making adjustments. We are butting heads over church. She is bothered that I do not attend and I am bothered that she does and then spends the week on the phone gossiping and not in a nice way. Finally after she beat up on me one day about all the things I do not do right and then she brough Hub into it… I had to let her have it. I am now dealing with the after effects of it. It is all good and I sure wouldn’t want her to go.

If any of you have siblings caring for your parents… thank them! It can get hard knowing your siblings are living  their life the way they want and while I feel blessed to have her it is shit load of work and my life is not mine, not even close. I am also helping to my older sister, she is 11 years old than me and doesn’t drive so I run her and my mums to all their appts and shopping.

I have not come back at well this summer as I did last summer, which is a bummer. Still in the process trying to figure out which auto immune disorder has it’s teeth in me and the cartilege (sp) between my joints is turning into cement like. Joy…I think my world would fall apart if I stopped taking pain pills and I feel I am going to die if I keep taking them. My body is telling me to STOP but old mums will insist I keep going until I drop. I have been in the hospital twice since my last writing. I am exhausted.

Nuff complaining cuz I am enjoying my garden though I couldn’t do one the way I wanted to. I just can’t but it is the first year the FDA has recognized Stevia as a food so it was sold to be grown and I love Stevia so I bought lots. The leaves are soooo sweet I can’t help but pick one off every now and then. Most plants are organic from seed and what is not is being treated organically. I want to have a personal relationship with a bit of my food. Gardening is hard cuz I have to do everything standing up but it is not impossible and well worth the effort.

I am having a garage for Mums stuff. I swear all she has is nick knacks but she seems to think all her stuff is worth about 200.00 bucks. After she told me what a bad planner I am and how I do not finish anything I start blah blah blah. I tossed her 400 bucks and said I bought her out. LOL so I bought 20 dollars worth of crap for 400 dollars and I still have to have the effin sale. Boy that was stupid of me. I did tell her she has to give me some money back (funny how she doesn’t think about the work I am must put into this) but she hasn’t bothered and won’t. Oh well.. lessoned learned I guess…grrrrrrr.

Went to lunch with old bossman a few weeks ago and we are meeting next month and I think I am going back to work just a little. He asked if I would do some traveling for him… hell yeah, anything to get me out of the house! He knows my limitations now, it was good to be honest with him.

I think I have found a 3 person with the same super virus I caught a few years ago. A little boy only about 6.. I feel so bad for him, I wouldn’t wish this stuff on anyone. I need to do somemore checking but that would make 2 and then myself that I have found with all the same symptoms.

Ya know, some people said pigs would fly before Obama would get anything done…. well….. swine flu!

I hope all is well.. and I am glad to be back writing.

((( Hugs )))

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June 13, 2009

Glad to have you here. Be well, my friend.

So glad to see an entry from you! I’m glad to hear about your nieces and nephews. I’m glad to read of that provision in the adoption agreement. I hope it comes to pass and those kids get a forever home. Please make sure you are careful with the mushrooms, Friend. Make sure they’re the right ones. I bet your boss misses you like crazy.

June 13, 2009

I’m sorry I didn’t leave a note but it sure doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about you many many times. And you are ALWAYS in my prayers. I am very glad to hear Toni is doing well. I think it is wonderful what you are doing for these children and I’m so glad you will always be in their lives. And oh honey, I know all about being the one to care of mom. I loved her dearly and would do all again just for another minute with her. But yeah, sometimes it was hard not to be resentful of my sisters who all these freedoms I no longer had cause I was taking care of our mom. It just breaks my heart that you are going through so much. You are so brave and so strong although I know you don’t feel like it at times. I wish I had magic beans to make you better but will just keeping praying. I love you and am so glad to see an update from you! ((((hugs))))

June 13, 2009

Welcome back!!! Your life has changed a lot, but I’m glad you stop to enjoy the little things. Is caregiving as rewarding as they say? I didn’t know that about stevia. I’ll have to try to grow some. Hugs!!!

June 14, 2009

I remember you….I am so glad you are back…My life has changed dramicly also….

June 14, 2009

jenna…!!! welcome back…!! i hope the drs figure out what’s wrong so you don’t have to hurt anymore. *hugs* there’s a special place in Heaven for you for taking care of your mom, your sister, all the children… :0)

Glad to see you write. I’ve wondered how you were. Take care and try not to be a stranger.

June 15, 2009

Hey, good to see you again! I’m sorry you’re in so much pain, I hope it gets figured out soon. Good luck with the kids, it’s a good provision that you’ll always have contact. Take care.

June 16, 2009

Hey there! I’m glad you’re back as well and have missed you here! I haven’t been writing so much myself so I understand that as well. Sounds like you have your hands full for sure and I’m sorry that life is giving you so many challenges at the moment. I wish you well in all aspects (health, emotional, spiritual, etc.) and look forward to keeping in touch! xoxo

July 6, 2009

RYN: I know and you are close at mind also. Be well, dear friend.