A Quote I Love and No Tiger
"Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong." William Ralph
I use this quote as my last power point slide when teaching and always make sure it is in the packet everyone receives in class. I just thought I would share it, it has been rolling around in my mind because I have been a bitch lately…. well maybe more than lately but lets keep this current..haha.
Well the PGA has left town so things are settling back down. I could have went to some peoples house that is on the course but why? I don’t know a thing about golf other than Tiger Woods has a nice smile and he was not going to be there. I probably would have went if he had.
Ok, I have played the game and was for a couple years was on a womens league but that was long ago. At some point I bought new clubs but never played the game again so they have never been used. When I did play it was with some clubs Hub had picked up for me used. Hub use to play a lot, he was really good, was once even told he could probably go pro. He wasn’t that crazy about the game.
We leave for Texas in a few days and finally I will have my charger back for my cell phone. I just didn’t feel like going for a replacement and I haven’t missed the phone at all. LOL, no one calls me or they know my happy jack number… which I need to learn.
I spoke with my pal the shrink today and I swear he thinks more about the philosophy I teach then I do. He wants me out there spreading the word. He also knows the politics that could become a road block. It will come if it is meant to be. I told him I have a standing invitation to speak for free and lol he said hell no unless that is what you want to do. Never work for free he said because people just expect more out of you. I would do it for free but would rather do it for cold hard cash. I like that he has that interest because many in his field could care less even though they treat the mentally disabled.
Seems like I had a purpose when I came here but now I am forgetting what it is. Hmmmphf!
Goes with this one I have in entries. “Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution.” ~ Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) Be well, my friend.
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wow. i love your quote and the above noter’s quote a lot. very profound. hmm. i agree, cold hard cash is cool, but i dunno, if you enjoy it… maybe a couple “benefit” speeches? :0)
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My favorite quote on gentleness..”Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as true strength.” I read something today about not giving your services away for free because you should take value in yourself and what you do well..and by charging, you show that you value it. I don’t know yet how I feel about that. But I’m a bleeding heart liberal who works for a not-for-profitfor everything BUT profit. *Laughs* You’ll do what’s right for you..
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I heard that when Tiger Woods travels with his family, he’ll rent out a gorgeous, amazing house, then have it emptied and have his own furniture, etc flown in so that his baby is surrounded by everything that’s familiar to her. OMG..what must that be like to be able to do that? *laughs and shakes my head*
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RYN: Ayuh, I typed it just like you do your entries. lmao Be well, dear friend.
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I love that quote, too! I would have only gone for Tiger Woods, too.
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“Drive for show. Putt for dough.” (famous golf quote) Does it help that Tiger Woods and I share the same birthday? 😉
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