Sheesh I went to teach today only to find out when I got there that the class is not until tomorrow. I should have double checked my dates, now that means I have to get up and at it again tomorrow. I have grown quiet fond of showering in the morning and just putting on clean jammies or a long t-shirt. Rats and I had a good hair day today too. Oh well.. ditzy me.
That’s all for today.
i HATE when you have good hair days and dont need them. damn.
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i never have good hair days. :0/ LOL that you went on the wrong date. well, just think of it like this: you looked HOT for two days in a row, instead of a bad hair day on one day. :0) ryn: eeeEEEeee!!! i’m soooo excited for this concert!!! i have pics of dave everywhere. my husband is gonna get jealous soon. LOL.
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