just a lil bit



Does everyone have to set their font and size it before making an entry or is there some setting I am missing. I can’t say I know this site very well at all, just the basics.

Mood: A Mix, holding steady but aware of a bit of sadness? Or just life awareness perhaps.

I have done what I do when in this mood. It’s rather heavy.

A diary caught my eye on the front page and it was some Mom writing different entries to different people. She was killing herself and these were her last words. I hope its just someone being freaking and that it is not real at all but something read real about it. I stuck my nose in of course but did not get a reply.

I am probably also tired from travel though I slept hours on the way home. I loved sleeping in Maine, so quiet well at least until the rain came and rain sounds different in the woods. SIL kept worrying the river would rise and take the kayacs and canoe with it… this has happened before and all was recovered.

The woods are dark

Dark and deep

I have many miles to go before sleep

That has been stuck in my mind, earlier I could remember who to credit but it is lost at the moment.

Well my b-gammon partner is back so guess I will go play now.



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August 4, 2008

Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost. The woods are lovely dark and deep,But I have promises to keepAnd miles to go before I sleepand miles to go before I sleep. That is the ending stanza. I think it his best poem and it is my very favorite. About your font. It is now set at papyrus, which I have used and still do on my newer webpages. I use html code to set my font, but if you use the wysiwyg editor, I believe you can choose fots from the tool bar. If you want I can give you codes for fonting. Email me. Be well, my friend and NO smoking, eh?

August 5, 2008

agrees with above noter. :0) but I hope you fell asleep quickly anyway.

August 5, 2008

ryn: next, metallica!!!!

August 5, 2008

RYN: Coolio…I would love to go with you! 🙂 You rock and I hope you’re feeling much better very soon!