DPM 28 – Budgeting
I spent most of the day working up a budget.
No… you don’t get to see the numbers. Nosy people…
But the thing is, I’ve never actually BEEN on a budget. I’ve always had "daddy’s payroll" or "hubby’s bonuses" to fall back on. Now that I’m off dad’s money and Grant is back from Iraq, we’re living on a fixed income, and if my company goes under or I loose my job–or walk out one day in a fit of rage–or whatever… we may need something to fall back on… and a budget seems to be a good way to get us there.
Are primary goals this year are simply to eliminate our credit card debt. We don’t have much–and I’m over shooting quite a bit, but I like to be conservative. We’re leaving plenty of room for falling off the wagon, as Grant and I tend to do so often.
Anyway… here’s the spreadsheet I made. Lovely, isn’t it?