I’m about an 8 on the pain scale. I have Vicodin and antibiotics to help, but I’m fairly certain I have an infected impacted molar. Frucking perfect. I have included my recent dental x-ray… I’ve number the problems…
1. The current issue—the pain. This wisdom tooth is pushing its way into the back of my jaw. I cannot even close my jaw anymore. The Vicodin takes the pain down to a 7, but not much less. I’m worried the infection may enter the bone. This feels like it’s going to kill me. I haven’t really slept in almost 36 hours. Friday night, it was a 2 on the pain scale. Saturday afternoon… around a 4. Last night, on our night out, around a 5 or 6. Last night, trying to sleep, around an 8. Today… 8, even with Vicodin it’s just 7 or so. And it seems like the medicine isn’t helping very much. Everyone I’ve talked to say that this is crazy painful… so I can’t see this getting better anytime soon… and I really don’t feel like I can miss much more work. BTW, this is the only thing in my mouth that hurts; the rest of the “problems” are just for the fruck of point them out…
2. This is a wisdom tooth that is probably going to need to be removed. They’ll probably want to remove it when they remove the problem tooth. (It’s taking forever to write this entry. Hard as hell to type with this many drugs in the system….) It’s pointed toward my other teeth…. Wtf? I know it’s pretty common, but seriously…. Why?
3. This is the only problem I’d ever had with my teeth until I went to the dentist three months ago. I hadn’t been in 12 years. Before that, I’d had this same filling re-filled and re-filled 5 frucking times. It’s still not right. I chew on the other side of my mouth. My new dentist wants to fix it. I told her to suck it (and by that I mean I made an appointment and later politely cancelled saying I’d rescheduled).
4. This is something I knew about 12 years ago. I have a baby tooth still in my smile. This big tooth was pointed sideways and not moving. The dentist said I had two options:
a. Pull the baby tooth, use surgery to pull the adult tooth down, and suffer through braces for three years,
b. Leave the baby tooth in and hope nothing happens…
I chose the second. He said that if the adult tooth decayed or got infected, I might one day have to have surgery, or that it could decide to move, and that could cause problems, but so far… it’s just been fine. I have a little bit of a lopsided smile, but it makes me unique.
(on the right side of the picture — left side of my face… baby tooth. )
5. This wisdom tooth is completely under the gum. No idea what it’s doing. Thank you for being quiet, little tooth.
6. This one, like the one in pain, is impact – or partially exposed – which, apparently, make them extremely susceptible to infection. A little piece of anything gets down there, and poof… big infection… and if it gets in the root… or the bone… well… this….
The only thing keeping me going right now is concentrating on putting one key stroke in front of the other and not focusing on the pain… suck an intense pain… it also helps that the movie Stigmata is on…. At least I’m not going through a religious transformation. I suppose a toothache is very minor in comparison.
I’m going to go take some more pain pills now… and try to get some sleep… I need sleep. I need to be free of pain. And I need to see a dentist SOON.
The thing I do want to mention is that my husband has been amazing though all of this. He’s taking great care of me, despite all of what he has to do. I can tell he doesn’t want me to go into work tomorrow. He would take the pain for me if he could, I can see it in his eyes. This is the first real time I’ve been in real serious pain when he’s been home… and he’s just being so wonderful. I think I love him more now than ever before. At least there’s that.
Get your wisom tooth (teeth) taken care of while you can. Seriously. I wish your mouth felt better and WTG to G for being such a doll through this.
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As you may or may not know, I’m a big ice hockey fan. I would suggest a few shifts with the New Jersey Devils (my team) they’d fix ya teeth for ya =)
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