3 Students
So, I have a total of 3 students in my Office Accounting class, all females. I told my dad before I left that I had no idea how many students were in my class and that “it could be anywhere from 5 to 50” with 5 apparently still being an underestimate. I was budgeting for at least 10 or so. I have 7 in my Excel class that I’m teaching later tonight – also all females.
Of course, having less students is definitely a plus – it’s a much better learning environment and it’ll be easier to give the students individualized attention. Still, I was sorta disappointed to only have three students; I hope none of them drop the course!
Anyway, I was relatively impressed with my students for the first day – they actually had a lot of questions about the course and some about accounting in general. Granted, some of the course questions were of the nature of “If I’m tardy, am I counted absent?” and “Can I make up exams?” but at least they were asking something! The point is that they seemed really comfortable with me, which is what I want. The fact that there’s only 3 of them certainly helps that, I’m sure. And I’m probably not a very intimidating presence, but, then, I don’t want to be.
So, basically the class has gone really well so far. Let’s hope it continues to!
Matt, Ooo that’s really good to have less students! I agree that classroom situation with be a lot easier than having to teaching 80 of them! Well, my first semester, I taught two course with 20 of them. The fall and spring semesters, I taught 80 of them, each semester. I had to keep up my game all the time. It’s good that they are interested in the subject matter from the start. Still, I advise, don’t let your guard down unless you know that they will not be up to no good….. I hope that your other class goes well tonight, too! ~Sophia
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I’m excited for you! I hope your semester goes well. I always enjoyed being taught in smaller settings. They are more informal and fun typically! I wonder if any of the girls last night or tonight will be your okCupid girl?!
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Good luck as the semester progresses! Having very few students will be nice. It will help you get into your teaching style and it will help them really understand the material. ryn: Thanks for the support. Everything is okay, I just updated with information from my mother-in-law.
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Hey, this is good stuff.
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I’m surprised they didn’t cancel your class, I’m sure if I only got three students I’d be out of a job… Also, dude! Those questions they were asking should have already been addressed in your syllabus. What kind of a crock operation is that school running?
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🙂 it’s good that you have material to teach . . . i had to make up my own! :-),
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three students? you’re a lucky dude. good luck with the teaching. organization is the key! i should know, because i’m a mess.
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Yay…be careful…those girls…girls are very manipulative!
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Yay for you! I’d totally drop a class if I was one of three, unless I HAD to have it. ~I’ll be
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