The Long Drive to Disrespect

So, Donna invited me over last night since apparently her Spring Break is this week and she is thus lacking in the usual schoolwork. I accepted as usual, seeing as I had little else to do, but the evening didn’t really go so well. The particular set of friends she had invited over this time are just the sort of boisterous guys that I really have trouble interacting with in general – the immature type that are constantly making gay or sex jokes. I’m just awkward around guys like that, sharing queer jokes just isn’t really within my personality scope. At any rate, the guys caught on to me being uncomfortable pretty quickly and spent most of the evening making mocking homosexual advances at me and just trying to annoy me in general. Not that it was really that bad, but an hour and a half is a long way to drive just to get mocked for a couple of hours. It was bad enough that Donna was actually really apologetic to me for her friends and kept trying to force her drunken boyfriend to apologize too, which resulted in apologies that were about as genuine as you’d expect from a completely wasted guy. I was originally going to spend the night over there, but I can only take so much mocking, so I opted against that. I was just going to make the midnight sojourn home, but I called Erin to see what she was up to since I was already in town and she invited me to crash at her place, which I did.

I did get to hang out with Erin for a couple of hours, which at least made it a worthwhile trip, despite the fiasco at Donna’s. I should really probably stop hopping down to see Donna every time she invites me over, the only reason I keep accepting is that I made a pledge a while ago to not turn down social situations if at all possible, though obviously I’m not gaining a lot from nights like last night. This socializing stuff would be a whole lot easier if I could find more people who had something resembling an adult maturity level.

Oddly, I’ve actually started seeing Erin a lot more since I finished my undergrad last year and moved to another city – it’s really a shame that we didn’t attempt to hang out on a regular basis when we were living within 5 miles of each other. It’s not like either of us had a blossoming social life that would have prevented us from being pretty active friends. It’s actually one of the bigger regrets of my collegiate life that I didn’t make more of an effort to develop an “in-person” friendship with her when I had the chance (and I’m not just saying that because she can read this!).

Anyway, not sure what the moral of this entry is, other that than Donna’s friends still don’t like me and that Erin is still pretty cool.

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March 24, 2008

Sometimes I constantly make gay or sex jokes… ~I’ll be

March 24, 2008

Ugh, that sounds pretty awful.

Donna still sucks donkey balls. Ugh, I hate her. I’m sorry you had a night like that. So, you don’t have any romantic feelings toward Erin at all? It would be a sweet story. And I plan on updating today. You’ll want to read it, I think.

I’m ignoring YFN’s inconsiderate note. Stupid hag. Anyway, yeah, so maybe you should invite Donna to come hang out with you in Athens. Athens seems like a way cooler place than Midgetville or whatever the hell it’s called. Even if you just invite her up to go bowling or something. I don’t know. When was the last time you hung out and did something besides go to dinner or a bar?

You shouldn’t drive that far to see YFN. Ever. In fact, she should come see you if she really wants to. Anyway, since when did you have chapters and stuff? It’s kind of weird. You’re one of THOSE people now. And hey, I think cosmic bowling is pretty fun. You can drink AND bowl. Invite your friends. I know you’ll love it. There’s no chance to even feel awkward when you’re bowling.

March 24, 2008

I like your title. It’s very catchy.

March 25, 2008

I can’t believe you stuck it out at Donna’s for as long as you did. That’s impressive.

March 27, 2008

I never did really understand why you’re so uncomfortable about the gay thing. When you can’t stop yourself getting embarrassed even though you know people are only teasing you because you are embarrassed… yeah, time to leave.

March 27, 2008

ryn seems like there are pros and cons to that, but at some point you have to move on.

March 27, 2008

Mocking like that pisses me off – don’t put up with it if you don’t have to!

March 28, 2008

ryn: you’re not? I thought you were. And, I sort of like boisterous, but yeah, only with people I trust, there’s not a lot of them.

March 28, 2008

ryn: Avoidance, kind of. But I think it’s summat to do with how – everyone who ever hit me around when I were a kid would get in my face and NOT LEAVE ME ALONE EVER, and I think I spit fucking poison about older guys who got obsessed with me… and I think it was loads to do with his dad and how his dad used to say sorry for hitting us, and then hit him again and then say sorry again – none ofthis made three months alone any fucking easier. I’m not exactly innocent of walking away from people for their own good either.

long learning curve when it comes to donna and her friends, huh?

March 30, 2008

Hey Matt, where have you been? I miss you!

Oh, Matt. I miss talking to you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t call last night (you didnt call either!) but I was pretty sick. 🙁 I hope I can make it through the next two weeks ok.

April 4, 2008
April 4, 2008

Frankly, I think we should talk. Frankly, I think you should come visit me this summer. Frankly, I think you´re fabulous. Frankly, I think you need to update. Frankly, I think I would name my kid that, has a nice ring to it. Frankly, I think this note is corny, but frankly, I don´t care.

April 7, 2008

Well…Thank God for a mature guy who doesnt have to make fun of homosexuals and sex all the time. Just reading through ;o)