Meeting More People
So, I danced for hours with a 33 year-old woman from Trinidad & Tobago named Sherrie last night.
No, really.
Jeroz texted me at about 9:40 last night and told me he was already downtown with “friends from his dinner” and invited me to join. I was hesitant for a moment, seeing as I knew that he had just been to the African American Business Majors Dinner (or something like that), and, thus, all the people he was with were probably, well, African Americans. Meaning I might stand out just a bit from them. The old, less social, Matt would have found this a good enough reason to avoid the interaction, but I decided to go ahead with it, because I’m having this life changing resolution and all that.
As it turned out, all of the people I met were from various foreign countries, ranging from Nigeria to, well, Trinidad & Tobago. I sat and chatted and drank with them at a pub for a while, and eventually went bar hopping with Jeroz and Sherrie. I was hesitant to start dancing since the floor was pretty dead everywhere we went, but, hey, I figure no one really knows me, so who cares if I make a fool out of myself? Which I’m sure I did, but Jeroz can’t say anything, since he was too timid to dance at all.
Anyway, a white guy dancing with a black girl is still enough to catch a few bothered glances in Georgia, but I didn’t really feel very uncomfortable during the night. And it was fun and happened a lot more naturally than I normally imagine this sort of thing happening. And, no, I probably didn’t make any lifelong friends or create any emotional connections, but I danced and had fun and wasn’t sitting in front of my computer and that’s good for me, right?
Sounds like fun. You definitely get kudos for trying because you can’t learn or do anything new sitting at home…Hope your resolution continues to be fruitful.
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You’re amazing, Matt.
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Aww Matt! I love that you went dancing and had fun! Good job coming out of your shell a bit more.
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Ah! I love your dedication to this life changing resolution. Good things are coming from it 🙂 And dancing even! I’m stoked on your behalf.
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I’m not a druggie! They just don’t have a setting for “I tried marijuana one time and wouldn’t mind trying it again”. You’ve smoked much more weed than I!
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that’s amazing!!! woot! GOOO MATT!!!!
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Yes, that is good for you. I don’t know where all of this ‘amazing’ is coming from…crazy noters…but good for you, yes. ; ) ~I’ll be
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Hehe, your note made me giggle. I like advice, whether I take it or not. It’s all about opinion and perspective, which I think are important factors in decision making. Thanks. : ) ~I’ll be
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As long as you didn’t strain your groove thang.
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Good for you! I’m proud.
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It’s the fun that’s important. At some point things will get serious with people, but you never know when… and it’s always better to get serious with the people for whom “fun” is possible.
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Hey Yours for Now, we’re saying it’s amazing because it is! Now, start being more enthusiastic! lol
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Amazing. Truly, amazing. Amazingly amazing, even! You’ll amazingly be
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