Dreams and Name Suggestions
I’ve been having these weird dreams with reoccurring themes lately. Last night was probably the most disturbing/weird. The dream goes that, for some reason I am living with my grandparents (who in reality have been dead now since I was 17) and caring for them. They die. Then I call my mother and inform her and she comes crying and hugs me but then when I go to show her the bodies, the bodies are gone and she thinks that I’ve gone crazy, and since it’s a recurring dream I always think “It happened again! I’m going crazy! I really thought they were dead this time! What’s wrong with me?” and it’s weird that in the dream I can remember having past dreams, but I can’t remember that those past dreams were, er, dreams. Anyway, weird stuff, actually couldn’t go back to sleep last night for a bit after I woke up and that sort of thing never happens to me over dreams.
On a lighter note, I finally got some decent name change ideas from you readers. I’d prefer something somewhat random, and not semi-descriptive (i.e. “Farm Boy” or “AccountingGeek”) just because I think names like that are cheesy (even if intentionally so). I like Kate’s suggestion of “Nevermind,” but people might mistake it for a Nirvana reference, which is no good. “Frankly.” is the best that I’ve come up with on my own. I’ll give it a bit more thought and probably make the change on the next entry, so if you see a different name on your favorites list, that will probably be me. And, yeah, I don’t like name changes in general, but given time to adjust it’ll be fine. And, hey, maybe I can use this as a turning point where I start to write about more in-depth and personal stuff in the diary! Or not.
That’s been happening with me a lot in dreams too, where I can remember it having happened before, but while in the dream I don’t think I know that the ‘happened before’ was another dream. And then I wake up and I can’t remember if I actually have had that dream before, or if I’m dreaming that I’ve had a recurring dream that in the dream I can’t remember dreaming but when I wake up I realize that I was dreaming that I’d had a recurring dream. ^_^
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Also, just noticed your diary title. You crack me up. ^_^
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mairead cracks me up. i’ve been thinking about the roommate things, and it’s starting to make more and more sense. i can cook and you can do my taxes.
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: ) ~I’ll be
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Actually, alone voice, I can do your taxes. I’m much better than Matt is, even though he’s the one who’s studying accounting. Anyways, more names: “Golly” and “Gee whiz” sound good to me too haha. What’s that word you use all the time? Facetious? I was also thinking “Like, okay” would be good too. Since you say it all the bloody time. How about British Wannabe? LOL. or “I am not gay” LOL
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By the way, your title… so not original. You stole it from my incessant joking about your admirer. Thief!
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i like frankly. but do you really think they’ll be able to find “Matt.”? it seems too easy to find!
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I hate dreams that wake me up! I am interested to see what happens in your life and how it relates to those dreams…my dreams typically relate to my life but then again I am an odd one. As for names… I like phrases personally. “Almost there” “socially awkward” “From the farm to the city” etc.. Whatever you pick, we will adjust.
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I’ve been having really weird dreams lately too. I don’t ever remember them, but I have the last couple of days. Last night I dreamt that I was Harry Potter and someone was trying to kill me. It wasn’t scary, just really weird. I even remember actually hurting every time a curse hit me. It always hit the left side of my stomach and it really hurt.
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Why don’t you just use a.j. stanson again?
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Who knew an online name change would be so difficult? That said, I am also at a loss.
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