More than Meows
Rebecca talks to her cat. Now, you might find this to be normal. Honestly, even I’ve been known to let a “Hi Kitty!” slip from my lips form time to time. However, you’re not fully understanding what I mean by talk. As Rebecca isn’t the sort of person to merely greet her feline with a hello or perhaps ask her if she’s hungry. No, she has whole bloody conversations with the thing.
There’s already been several occasions when Rebecca’s entered the apartment while I was in the back and I’ve assumed she was chatting on the phone with someone, only to instead discover that she was talking to her cat. Saying things like “You’re very good at adapting” and “I think we’ll have spaghetti for dinner tonight” without the slightest voice alterations to indicate that she’s talking to a pet, not a person. To her credit, the cat does meow back a lot. I’m slowly becoming convinced that there’s legitimate communication going on.
On, another note, Rebecca also owns several Dan Brown novels. I’m not sure what is most alarming on the whole.
Rebecca also has a book titled, “How To Talk To Your Cat”. Now Matt, you can’t really be one to talk, for the first time you called me all you did was meow.
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Legitimate communication, hahaha. Okay. Well, I talk to my cat (sometimes), but I’m very much aware that it is a cat and it doesn’t talk back. It appears she doesn’t seem to have the same awareness.
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haha, hmmm.. maybe dan brown is more scary.. im not sure either. *random noter * nice to meet you, im
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Now, don’t be dissing Dan Brown. I happened to really enjoy Angels and Demons. 😛
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It’s not that she talks. It’s that she _listens_. RYN: To teach, of course, one needs a certification. Which I lack.
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The Dan Brown collection is more likely to make me judge a person than the whole cat-chat thing. Mind you, i even talk to the neighborhood cats, and have given them all secret names :/
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I talk to my cat. He’s quite insightful …
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ryn 😛 Also, since we don’t have tickets to said football game, the point of the trip was mostly to check out a college town we hear is cooler than our own, while also watching the game on a large television and having some drinks somewhere. It’s only a 3-hour drive or so. Also, I have a bizarre friend who creates voices for her pets and carries on conversations out loud with/for them.
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I don’t talk TO Jackie Chan, but I insult him a bit, it’s more clawing sarky banter than philosophical debates…. I should probably shut up.
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She seems a bit odd…
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Haha, love this entry. A friend of mine had a mother who would talk to her cat Mordekai. She would carry on full conversations. Even during her sleep. I once saw her napping in her rocking chair, laughing about “Mordekai, you’re so silly” while stroking the air. So, I guess it could be worse.
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…I talk to my bird. But…I mean, I guess since birds can learn to talk and can only do so by being talked to, that’s different. I talk to my cat too, but not conversationally. Haha, people are funny. ~I’ll be
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aw that’s funny/cute. hahaha sounds like a crazy girl. in a good way though. stop by my diary sometime matt.
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Why do you want stories about me on a skateboard? And no chance, I keel over and smack my head often enough as is…
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Dan Brown. Definetly more disturbing.
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