As the new year begins today, one’s natural instinct is to look into the future and have a conjecture at what events will transpire in 2006. I’ve done so and come to the conclusion that the new year is not likely to differ much from the old.
I’ll still be taking lots of dull classes (how does Intermediate Accounting, International Trade, and Business Finance sound?), and I’ll still be living in the same apartment with the infamous Spider. And I’ll definitely still spend hours chatting with a certain Californian girl. And none off these conclusions are to be seen as complaints.
Actually, I’m quite content with my current life, which just reading other Open Diaries will reveal as a somewhat rare thing. I’ll quite happily continue it for another 18 months, after which I’ll graduate and everything will become rather uncertain. But until then, I’ll be satisfied skipping along my current path.
Of course, being so perfectly satisfied has made one thing quite troubling for me: A New Year’s resolution. What sort of resolution should I choose when my life is quite fabulous? Really, I don’t need to diet or exercise, and I lack any dreadful habits that must be dropped. I nearly thought there would be no resolution at all. But, then, it occurred to me, there is a part of my life that is quite neglected. And, that, I’m afraid, is all of you diary readers, my most dearest friends of all. So, my New Years resolution is to simply improve my Open Diary habits. More entries, more notes, more pictures of goats. All in 2006.
Granted, I’m not claiming any of the said entries/notes/pictures will be any more entertaining, and, in fact, run a chance of being even less entertaining, but, hey, take what you can get, ok?
Do you need a little glitter in your diary then come to my diary and see what you would like to have because i have a lot of things that are glittery!
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Those classes do sound dull. Good luck to you in the new year. Which, you’re right, may not be much different than the one before.
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Oh yes, i like that, more entries.
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perhaps you should make a resolution to friggin read my livejournal. jerk.
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Matt love I think you’re already failing to meet your new year’s resolution, which of course is quite tragic. I want more entries, more goats, more notes! Or else!
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omg.. those classes sound absolutely dismal.. have fun.. try to stay awake.. always,
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That’s the worst New Year’s resolution I’ve ever heard. I’m impressed with “Intermediate Accounting”, though. Somehow they managed to make accounting sound even more boring.
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