Blog Hot or Not
Well, today is certainly a good day for you diary worshipers. Yes, I’ve long been aware that quite often many of you diary readers want to express how much you love my diary, but you really just don’t have the means. Sure, you can tell me you love the diary, but that just doesnt seem to encapsulate the great joy that my diary causes your heart to swell with. Its not enough. I understand this, and I sympathize. Thankfully, your problem may be solved.
I give to you blog hot or not.
Yes, finally, you will have the opportunity to share your love and devotion for my diary by rating it on a scale of 1 to 10. I’m truly happy for you all. I thought this day would never come.
If you’ve clicked the above link (the one that says “blog hot or not” that is), then you’ve discovered that my diary currently has an incredibly high approval rating. Well, that is, unless you’re reading this 10 years after I wrote it and many evil, misunderstood, people have thoughtlessly rated my diary a 1, causing my rating to drop substantially and the hearts of Milledgeville children to be forever broken. However, I’ll just assume you aren’t doing that, and in that case, like I said, I have a very high approval rating. It was a 9.9 at my last check. I have all confidence that it will fully retain this rating throughout the course of history, even after people other than myself have voted on it. That’s just how good this diary is.
Well, anyway, I would provide an update on my life and such, but it would seem a bit cramped, what, with all the big news that you’ve just received and all, so I think I’ll abstain for now. Not to worry, I’ve got lots to share with you. Well, not really, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something. Give me a few hours. And until then, RATE THE DIARY!
I couldn’t access it through the link
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