Political Leanings
Every woman adores a Fascist
— Sylvia Plath
I recently ventured over to http://www.politicalcompass.org and took some test that is supposed to tell me what sort of political leanings I have. It cast me as a Libertarian, which is probably pretty accurate all in all. Since I was impressed with the test’s accuracy, I unknowingly asked my mother to complete it, curious to see where she would end up on the political spectrum.
Turns out my mother is a fascist.
I’ve long suspected it really. Just the other night I noticed the way she throws out all the overcooked biscuits, even though they’re perfectly edible. Sure, those biscuits may not have blonde hair and blue eyes like the others, but they’re still good in their own way and do not deserve to be tossed away, or worse, fed to the dogs.
Despite this evidence, she still vehemently denies having fascist leanings, but I know better. I mean, yeah, Hitler said he wasn’t going to attack Poland too. Its not like you can believe these sorts of people.
I think this also provides a good explanation for my various personality disorders that Ive been self-diagnosed with. The poor taste in music is probably easily explained when considering my Fascist upbringing and Libertarian personality. I mean, geesh, no wonder I can’t get a date. It all makes sense now.
Im definitely not letting my dad take the test though. One Hitler in the family is enough.
hey, im just a random noter so i dont know the whole situation, but i wouldnt let this little test ruin your life. its just a test after all. who knows how accurate they are. in him…
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I think my parents are fascists, too. Maybe I should have them take the test to find out for sure!
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