My Thumper…
Hey All,
I had an appointment with my OB/GYN on Thursday, October 13th, 2011. He measured me and I was 1 cm dilated. He informed me that he wanted to induce me on Saturday, October 15th, and that I was to be at the hospital for 7:15 am. After my appointment I was having contractions, and they seemed "regular" but not especially painful, so Pookie and I decided to just get a good night’s sleep at home. The contractions seemed to "die down" as soon as I was laying down to go to sleep anyway. Friday I continued to have contractions, but they didn’t seem as regular, so again we decided to sleep at home that night since I was to be at the hospital first thing the next morning anyways. Saturday morning we went to the hospital, I got checked in and registered, then I was at the Triage room, which they just do as procedure, it’s basically the same as the Non-Stress Tests I was having. Everything seemed fine, so I was moved to a Birthing Room (Unit). My contractions seemed fairly regular, and when my OB/GYN checked me, I was now 3 cm dilated.. He decided to just break my water instead of giving me any induction medication. It was 8:50 am when he broke my water. I don’t remember what time it was when I decided I wanted my epidural, but it must have been close to 10 am because as soon as the nurse asked me to sit up to prepare for the epidural, once I was sitting the urge to push came over me really strong. Yeah, so they had to lay me back down, check me, and apparently I was almost ready to push. I remember the nurse calling out about the fact I was a "rim" and she told my Dr. not to go anywhere for coffee or anything, cuz the baby was coming – fast. Three or four good pushes and my littlest angel had arrived at 10:06 am. Yeah, so all I had for the pain was Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas?), and I think the nurse poked me with a needle with something but I’m not 100% sure on that. Basically it was a "natural" birth. OMG. I remember my first labour and I tried to hold off the epidural as long as I could – I managed lasting about 10 or 11 hours, then I caved, and about 2 hours later Sunshine was born. With Scooter I ended up getting it just before they came to break my water – but I’m wondering if I should have just tried to go natural then because my back was seriously sore for quite a while afterward. This was the "best" labour & delivery I had, at least in terms of recovery. I feel like my body bounced back quicker than with either of the other two previous births. I’m just happy she is healthy.
♥ Grá Agus Solace ♥