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February 19, 2012

Heh, my vocal teacher actually taught the piano player (I think the one who got sick?) for BNL. She used to brag about it almost every lesson. I stopped going to her shortly after. I refuse to listen to any music they made since they became US citizens. It’s hard enough for us to keep talent around without everyone running out to Hollywood when they make it big!

February 19, 2012

RYN1: In the US to become a citizen they make you give up your previous citizenship. It’s a big reason why I decided not to live there (that and health care). There are some countries who do that and Canada is not one of them, thank goodness. But no, BNL is not Canadian anymore. RYN: It’s not the landlord doing it as I’ve spoken to neighbours who live here and aren’t in Brock King buildings. I think it has something to do with that new building going up behind us but like you said, this cannot be legal for them to do. I lived in Perth with a pop of 6,000 and I never heard of planned power outages either. They are shutting off our water AND power this time with no end time just “when the work is complete”.

I did an entry on the moon here: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D809178&entry=10802&mode=date and on stars here: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D809178&entry=10764&mode=date Let me know if you want another entry on astronomy/outer space.

I’ve also posted tons and tons of astronomy related pictures that are strewn throughout my diary (they might be listed under the “nature” tag, but I can’t remember).

RYN: You should be able to view the entry now.