Detroit update

I traveled to Detroit last week for a 4-day training class on operating a new analysis software that we’re purchasing at work. We flew out of Charlotte on Sunday afternoon, hopped to Atlanta to change planes, then on to Detroit. After claiming the rental car we drove to the Novi/Northville area for a late dinner and a very much appreciated motel room since it had been a long day. I was still fighting a cold which didn’t help. I met up with a friend of mine on Tuesday evening, I’ve “known” him (corresponded, swapped parts and reference material) for almost 15 years but we had never actually met face to face until now. That was enjoyable.

The trip back home was rather eventful. We cut things a bit too close on our final day of training and everything stacked up against us getting to the airport on time. Road construction, traffic, the shuttle from the rental car lot to the terminal all involved delays and we missed our flight home by about 5 minutes. We got on the next flight two hours later, the flight went smoothly and we were in Charlotte ahead of schedule but when we arrived my co worker discovered that his handgun (properly declared and checked, locked inside a TSA approved metal box) had been stolen at some point along the way. We had to deal with baggage claims for that, then when we finally got back to the long term parking lot his car wouldn’t start! We had to call for service to jump us off to get home. After a day like that I was very happy the weekend was uneventful!

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It seems that some days almost everything goes wrong.

Wow! That sucks! Hope he gets it back!

June 12, 2012

Northville! I think Richard used to live there. That was eons ago, though. I drove through it with his family once–nice little town. Glad you got home ok, what with all the stuff you guys had to deal with! Hope your coworker is able to get his gun back.

June 13, 2012

What a trip!

June 15, 2012

ryn: Sometimes I’m thankful that I don’t remember my dreams, sometimes I wish that I could remember more.

June 18, 2012

Happy Fathers Day. Sorry for it being late. Just been busy. You have been a great support to me and I look to you like a father. THanks for the great advice and warm wishes. You mean the world to me. Hugs. Love,

June 20, 2012

ryn: I have to talk to them about it tomorrow, probably, since the woman I needed to talk to never called me back. I have no idea how to block him, but I wish I could.

June 21, 2012

Wow! And I did’t know one was allowed to check a gun in the luggage no matter what. Shows you what I know. Then to come find out someone stole it? Oy ve! Did he ever get it back?

June 22, 2012

ryn: I think he had more than two on that occasion.

RYN: Donno. I was at a football playoff game last year where they ran commercials continuously on their JumboTron. Timeouts were conveniently called to facilitate some commercials – that were really infomercials. The game ran about 4 hours & we were all tired & worn out by the time it was over.

RYN: Yep, it’s 8:30 a.m. & 78 degrees on my back porch now. Supposed to go to 100 degrees later today with increased humidity. I remember when we didn’t have air conditioning but I just don’t remember how we survived without it!

June 28, 2012

ryn: The bill could use some work. Or a lot of work. I’m not a legal expert.

July 4, 2012

Glad you got to finally meet your friend and that it was a g good time! Oh my goodness. I can’t believe your co-worker’s handgun was stolen. Yikes. Definitely an eventful day! Goodness. How was the training class? Did you enjoy it? RYN: Aw, thanks. 🙂