California Pictures Cont.

Today was a success with getting work done, which is nice. I went to my friend’s open house at her photography studio and had fun hanging out with the girls. We have plans for next weekend to see each other next Sunday.

First I’m going to share my cousin’s roof…it’s nothing special, but it was really good to me while I was visiting. I would wake up early, make some tea and go to the roof and enjoy the morning while reading a book. I saw several cute roof decks, but we had folding chairs. I didn’t really care though, it was still bliss.

Our side

Cute little setting

The neighbor’s seating

I met my cousin at her work to meet her co-workers and go out to lunch. Her roommate Ryan came with us and then Ryan and I went walking towards Fisherman’s Wharf to walk around and explore. We ended up going to a restaurant for happy hour and waited for my cousin to meet up with us. This first picture is at the top of my cousin’s work roof. It’s a cute little court yard where people can curb their dogs when they bring them to work!!! How fun is that. I would love to bring my cat to work with me every day! She’s hugging Ryan, her roommate.

The start of the Bay Bridge.

Do you see the little chef standing on the top of the roof?

Shot of Alcatraz

Isn’t this the cutest lighthouse you’ve ever seen???


Man that hid behind these branches and would scare people for money…I.screamed.loudly.

Ryan loved this stallion…so I had to take a picture.

We settled in for some drinks at restaurant that overlooked the water.

What’s better than a dirty martini and Alcatraz??

We drank a lot that night and I didn’t charge my phone or camera. The following day we went to the Albany Bulb. I’m not sure if I wrote this in my previous entry, but the Albany Bulb was an industrial landfill that was made into a park. The park attracted several homeless people that now live there. They built this "homeless community" and they started digging up things and building sculptures. There was so much that I couldn’t take pictures of which made me so sad. I did take pictures with my cousin’s camera, but I doubt she will send them to me…we’ll see…

The park was filled with these…so pretty.

We walked down this long trail and at the end was this…

Isn’t it extraor



I think I’ll stop here. I have some pictures on my cell phone but they are the best quality. My favorite was this enormous dragon. I’ll post those as well. Have a good night. Time for bed soon.

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November 14, 2011

Ack – the bushman got me EVERY time too! Looks like you had beautiful clear weather – October is definitely the perfect time to visit SF. 🙂

November 15, 2011

Absolutely gorgeous! I’m feeling really absent minded though because I had it in my head that you went to Florida.