Friday To Do Starting Now
I got home from work today right before 3pm. I was really tired and took a nap and now I’m ready to roll. I have a to do list for each day and I hope to get everything done so I can have a relaxing Sunday and not do too much… **crossing fingers that can happen** Starting on the 18th my aunt is coming back and so I think this might be the last time this weekend that I’ll be in cleaning hell…
In better news, I ok’ed my vacation time to take a long weekend the last two weekends in October. I’ll be going back down to Miami to visit my new little niece and then to San Fran to visit my cousin there. It should be lots of fun!! I’m very excited and hope to get my tickets this weekend.
Before I get into my wicked BORING list of things I must share a stupid moment. I just sat down in my chair to type this at my table. The chair completely broke from under me and because it was a wooden folding chair I went flying backwards with the chair landing on the floor. Dumpster…
Friday—Starting Now:
- Clean bathroom
- Get laundry ready (for tomorrow)–this is all done
- Pick up around here and put away anything that is not
- Put away the Wii. I got a Wii for my birthday and its all set up, but I want it set up differently so I have to figure out where to put it…as in no wires showing, etc.
- Vacuum
- Dust
- Shop for flights??
Saturday– As early as I can get up and start cleaning.
- Throw trash out
- Mop kitchen floor
- Go to bank–get a coffee for fun
- Go to mom’s
- Start laundry
- Take care of pool
- Clean patio area with all the grapes and leaves that have fallen
- Clean house–bathroom, vacuum, clean kitchen, mop floors, change sheets and wash them and any other laundry that’s there.
- Leave house and head back to my place around 4, shower and get ready for birthday dinner with cousin and kids (godchild and sister.)
- Shop for flights?
Sunday–Again as early as possible–I’m going to try and get as many things on this day done on Saturday, but I’m not that hopeful.
- Get gas
- Go to Walmart and Target
- Get another chair for table if possible–I think this will be saved for another time, unless I find something that I can’t live without.
- Go to grocery store
- Do work
- Shop for flights??
Happy Weekend Time!!