NoJoMo 23:
*yawns* I’m feeling of the tireds, I shouldn’t be, but I am. *shrugs*
Winter seems to have decided to come back again, after the bit of misplaced Srpring. Blah.
The roads have snow all over them. Took Mum’s car to go get groceries, that was a tad bit of an adventure.
The car slid sideways 2 or 3 times, luckily not too fast or too far. Easily fixed and no trauma.
It didn’t want to go up the little hill on the way home, after having been stopped to turn out onto the road.
In addition, all the groceries were in the passenger side seat because I couldn’t get the trunk open! & Sonja had one of her friends with her, and they were riding in the back.
Sonja’s friend…She’s about 21 weeks pregnant.
She was here last week-end and started bleeding. We took her home so she could go to the hospital.
Apparently she spent 12 hours there getting all checked out. The placenta was detaching a bit, but they seem to have gotten her fixed back up for the moment.
They told her then they figured she was about 20 weeks, and that at 30 weeks the baby should be strong enough to be born, so they will most likely induce labor and have her have it then. [It, as it refuses to cooperate and let anyone know what it is.]
I ate dinner, but I’m feeling hungry again. O.o
We don’t have much in the lines of snacks either…Blah.
Just have to make it til, hopefully Tuesday, and should be able to get some more groceries, that include snacky type foods.
Have a turkey! Tried to find the smallest turkey I could, it was still 12 pounds. Will have to make soup as an after meal, so it doesn’t go to waste.
Turkey is so much of the yummies tho! & it will be so much better than that mess of what was suppose to be turkey we had for Mabon. I will NEVER buy just a breat again. It was like a pieced together pile of ick.
So…Yep, this is day 23 of NoJoMo…Yay!
I’ve got nearly 10000 words for NaNoWirMo. *laughs* It’s actually like 8000 & something. But still, that is nearly…& I do have some written that I don’t have added into that, so yeah.
& Day 227 of 365 Days of Art. 38 more days. *smiles*
I need to work on my paper of evil…Quick like. I know I wil get it done, I just need to be in the right mind set.
Also need to work on my lesson plan & a couple things for MAT 300…But that shouldn’t take too much. Hopefully.