NoJoMo 9
And then there was light!
In the kitchen, dinning room, & Mum’s room (w/ electric restored to her room as well).
Had someone else, other than the guy who was suppose to fix it over a month ago, come over today.
He found a wire that needed reconnected, and *poof* fixed. So much easier & better than what the other guy was saying needed done.
Harley’s cake is cooling so I can decorate it. Hopefully it goes smoothly.
They are suppose to be here around 4-ish. Which isn’t that far away. But seeing as it’s the Idiot dropping them off, it’ll probably be closer to 5. He has such a difficult time telling time. *rolls eyes*
Got Hel’s first entry up. A bit of back story of her being a foundling.
Need to figure out where I am going on my paper so I can get to doing some more writing on it.
Organization is my problem I’m thinking.
While attempting to sleep last night, I came up with the basis for my MAT 300 class lesson plan.
I’m going to use Science & the food chain. For visual art: Create their own animal, draw it, and what it needs to survive. Music: Make a "song" using a nursery rhyme base. Theatre: Have them put on a skit about the food chain. So yeah…Hopefully that won’t be too taxing.
Tried to make a Pokeball for Harley with a tennis ball & paint pens. It doesn’t look like a normal one at all. Mainly because my white paint pen doesn’t work worth beans. *kicks it* So it’s a red & black & tennis ball green Pokeball with it’s own special pattern.
Think that’s about it for the moment.
I want cake…mmm.
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the cake looked fantastic to me! *hugs you lots*
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