NoJoMo 20

Where to start…With gratitude and thanks first. *smiles*

Today had some rough spots, but there were some spots to even them out, and make them better.

I cannot ever recall taking a box from the mailbox and feeling the energy being released from inside it before. Again, I have to say Thanks, to Manitou Wolf. *smiles*
After posting my coyote outfit pictures, she informed me that she had a coyote fang necklace that was collecting dust, and it was mine if I wanted it. Of course, I jumped at that. A few days ago she noted me that it was on it’s way, and a hitchhiker was following along. And a beautiful hitchhiker he is. *smiles* She’s got a collection of beautiful animal fetishes, and now, because it was time for one to move on, and she knew he was meant for me, I have the beautiful little fellow.
He is the fox who would be coyote. *smiles*

This is one of those times when one is reminded that Open Diary can be and is much more than just a diary website. We build a community, and although we may only be connected to a few individuals in a vast sea, we can still make valuable and important connections.
It is, after all, where I found my sister as well. *smiles* And I really don’t know where I would be without Raya in my life.

It’s been a long day…About a half hour before I was suppose to go in to do my AM tutoring, I got a call from the school…I had to go get Harley. By the time I got out of there it had thrown off the schedule, and messed up the AM tutoring. I went to tell Mrs. Gooding I wasn’t going to make it for it, but I would be there for the PM tutoring. She said that N had asked if he was going to be going with me this morning. *blinkies*
I did manage to make it back for PM tutoring, in which I would usually have S, but S had D.A.R.E. today…So instead, Mrs. Gooding had me get N from Mr. Z’s room.
He was in the bathroom when I got there, so I waited for him. When he came out I asked him if he wanted to go do some math…He was all happy, put his arms up in the air and said “yes”. After a couple problems he asked me why I didn’t come for him in the morning. *insert an Awwwwww here* I think it nearly broke my heart…But it was much needed at that point.
I was feeling like utter crap, tired & anxiety ridden…Working with him made me feel so much better. I was actually happy and smiling when school got out. [Then add to that right after I got home, I got mail of awesomeness…So a blah day turned out to be pretty awesome. *smiles*]

Thanksgiving dinner is going to be T.V. Dinners…for 4!
Apparently, instead of everyone going up to the Idiot’s relatives to have dinner, they are going to be coming down here and having it at the fire barn…& for whatever reason, they aren’t having it until Saturday. So…Instead of taking them on Thanksgiving, the Idiot will be getting them from 9-7 on Saturday, and we get to keep them on Thanksgiving.
Me & Mum already had our dinners in the freezer…So I went & picked up the Critters dinners yesterday. They is still turkey.

Taking Sonja to the doctor’s tomorrow…She has a sore throat, itchy throat, and almost no voice. Hopefully it’s nothing serious.

I need to really get my butt to work on homework. I shall attempt to focus on that prior to Sonja’s appointment. At least to get the observations typed up. Those are only painful as they take so long to do. *falls over* (Which is why I have been avoiding them.)

Anyway…This keeps me up with NoJoMo…So, yay me!




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Yay for gifts… and the connections that are made via opendiary! 🙂 And RPG for that matter. 🙂 Even if not everyone still role plays… *raises hand* haha. But yeah agreed. Yay for critters getting to be home on Thanksgiving!! 🙂

November 20, 2012

awww, we really do have a lovely community here. *hugs you lots* i wish i had things to send too! MUAH i am glad you had a good day at the end.

That’s really nice you getting to keep the Critters for Thanksgiving. *smiles* Yay for gifts of Coyote kind! *huggles tightly* I am very much thankful for having you in my life, too. I just wish distance didn’t continue separating us. *more hugs*