NoJoMo: Quinze

The evil intruders of last night did actually leave after Spoon woke up. Which I was more than grateful for.

In my list of things I need to do, I keep forgetting the Abacus paper…& apparently we have to have a face-to-face meeting with her as well, to show her we can use the bloody thing. *growls* Right now…I can’t do it…Not as smoothly as she wants us to be able to. I know I need to practice, but Gods…With everything else…Blah. But I printed out the Rubric for it…The abacus itself was worth 4 points…The paper (which is suppose to be 4 pages) is worth 4 points, and the face-to-face is worth 2 points…Not so much I’m going to stress myself out over.
We have a test Friday…I still have, I think, 5 problems to do on my portfolio. Hopefully I’ll get them done. After figuring out how to do the one (which we weren’t given an example of in our book at all, so I had to try and find something remotely similar online), I decided it was break time. I have to remember to read & do the first paper thing for the next chapter, as it’s on the syllabus as needing to be done, and if I don’t do it and she actually expects us to have it done (even without giving us the paper) I’ll get marked down for it.

French…Test Thursday. O.o Ug.
We did all review stuff today…& the one section in the workbook that I didn’t do he asked me a question on…I stumbled a tab, but I got it. *shrugs* I’ve got the questions he will be asking questions from…So I’ll go over them.
I really need to get something for my presentation written…I have info, some of it highlighted even…Some pictures for visual aids…So it’s not like I don’t have anything…Just not overly organized.

English…Yeah…*falls over* 
Did I mention yesterday our books for next semester are Dracula & Alice in Wonderland? I think I did. Our class will be guinea pigs again.
Did I mention I asked the one girl in class about the Storytelling class the professor teaches? She’s taken it before, and I have it next semester too…She said it’s easy as long as you show up and fill out the paper things that he has you fill up…& there is a bit of making a fool out of yourself in front of the class…So hopefully I can manage that…

Told Mum I want ‘math toys’ for Christmas tonight. *laughs*
I’m fairly certain she will be having us use them again next semester…& the printed off ones, just aren’t as easy to deal with as the actual solid ones. A one centimeter square of flat paper is troublesome…A one centimeter cube is much easier to keep track of. Plus the wooden ‘blocks’ push up against each other a lot better than the pieces of paper.

I think that’s it for the moment…Aside from nearly setting my internal organs on fire today.
The Critters had school off, so they came with me, and we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch afterwards.


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November 16, 2011

math toys aren’t a bad idea. think of all the things you can do with them AFTER, model build, give them to your kids to use for school, … much love to you!