Some random things of randomness

Um…Let’s see…Yeah, I’ve got, nothing. *laughs* [Other than a slight headache, which I’m trying to tell to go away, but not very well, so I don’t think it’s going to be listening.]

The school had an awards ceremony for 7th-12th last night, and one for K-6th tonight.
Sonja got an award for recycling. (There one teacher is really big into it, and getting the students in on it to.)
Harley got a handful of awards, mostly for grades in each subject, which he’s got mostly B’s…& the paper that says he’s passed the 4th grade. *smiles*

When the Critters got home from school today I told them I wanted to talk to both of them about a couple things…Think I might of scared them a bit. *laughs*
Anyway…It’s mostly trying to organize the house and especially their scary rooms.

Asked Sonja if she had a hamper if her dirty clothes would make it in there, and the clean clothes in the drawer (mostly to keep it separate, as I’m sure half of what I washed today probably didn’t need it). She said yes, so that was one thing down. & she guessed what the next thing was I was going for…She got a plastic kitchen set back, before Harley was born even, and it’s still in her room. As of last year she was still refusing to relinquish it, even with promises of something to take it’s place. Well, today she actually agreed without too much trouble, though she did have one condition. But it’s a condition that I can live with. It needs cleaned, which she said she would do, but then she wants me to take it to a resale shop, or Good Will, or someplace like that so 1.) Some other little kid can enjoy it & 2.) So it doesn’t end up in the garbage somewhere, where it would have a negative impact on the environment. [Which apparently works in with what they are currently working on in one of her classes. I love that she would be that thoughtful and considerate, not only of the planet, but for wanting some other child to be able to enjoy it. Plus, it tells me she’s at least paying some attention at school. *laughs*

Harley I asked about getting rid of his one shelf system, as it’s mostly unused (I’ll probably try and find a place in my room for it) and replace it with his Lego holder case he got from Reese for Christmas.
Secondly, I wanted to get rid of a play toolbench, which I figured he’d give me a hassle about…Even had a whole ‘I will offer you this in exchange thing’…And instead he was like ‘Okay.’
I even brought up that I had something to offer, talked about it, and he was like….*shrugs* ‘Whatever’
O.o The boy is not normal. *laughs*  What it was, is I was going to get him a tool box & start filling it with real tools…But he didn’t seem to care one way or another…I may decide to do something with the thought later though.

Well…I think that’s about it for the moment…My favorite distraction just got on, and is looking more distracting than ever.
A week and a half, a week and a half (or something like that)…*laughs* 


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I really need to do some organizing & cleaning out around here as well. I hope that it goes well for you. ♥

June 3, 2011

I think you’ve got the coolest Critters.