Transportaion no like ice…& book of Job…WTF??

I feel like crap…Stomach hurts (day 2) & back hurts (per usual)…Out of my usual pain meds…Yesterday didn’t have any for the majority of the day. Sonja did make me some ‘nice’ horsetail tea & then some raspberry tea…They actually did a pretty good job of helping with the pain.

Wasil tried to make me something on Facebook, but it didn’t work. *frowns*
Apparently on whatever it was he changed my last name…

I am so over winter…& the snow & the cold & the ICE!
Barely got out of the driveway…Took the Critters to school…Slipped slight a couple times on the black ice (of which, and I don’t know how, Sonja was able to point out). Dropped them off, and headed home…Got home 2 hours later (the school is about 5 miles away)!
There is a small hill, of which was covered in ice. & of course the sander trucks hadn’t been out. I tried to pull off to the edge of the road, in hopes I could gain some extra traction…No such luck. *frowns*
I almost got to the top, but then couldn’t do anything but spin.
I need to start carrying mace, then maybe the stupid old man today would of learned a lesson. Probably would have been mean and uncalled for, but he pissed me off.
This idiot in a van was behind me, and instead of just going around me, and getting out of my way, he stops behind me, and then can’t get going up the hill again himself. Then the idiot comes up and opens my door! WTF? You don’t go around and open strangers doors, seriously! & then he told me to put it in 4×4 and it would go up the hill. WTF? I am NOT fucking stupid, I know how to drive. I, through gritted teeth, informed him that my 4×4 didn’t work. *rolls eyes*
Mum called Loren to come to my rescue. While I was waiting for him I tried to back up some, hoping to find a place to gain traction…Instead it got to a place where I couldn’t move at all! THEN the bloody sander truck came through…Had it came through prior to me backing up, I could of backed up right on the road and been fine. Seriously the bloody thing SHOULD of been out before buses were on the road to take kids to school.
ANYWAY…Loren showed up, the same time a semi came through, and it didn’t make it up the hill, even with it being sanded. Loren helped it out, and then pulled me back onto the road where I could get myself moving again.

I fixed my spelling errors on my first Linguistics paper…Still have to fix some content issues and turn it back in.

I need to attempt to write my paper for American Lit…I have to have it done for Wednesday night. It should be done, probably could have been, if I could focus on anything. *sigh* Focus just doesn’t love me at all.

I had planned on looking at French, even though didn’t have homework…But didn’t get to it either.

*just remembered Linguistics meets in the library tomorrow* I need to have my concept for my paper sorted out…*headdesk* It’s semi-formed.

Mythology…Gods…I HATE that class…
Book of Job this week…& seriously…From what I’ve picked up prior to my reading I’ve got a question to ask…Did I read the same thing as everyone else? I didn’t get the Job still thought God was great, and was unfailing in his devotion and what not….Seriously? Job was depressed, semi-suicidal, and pissed…Understandably so. *shrugs*
And the reason for this being…God got braggy at a dinner party. Seriously? That is what happened. Everyone was at dinner, he inquired as to what ‘Satan’ had been up to…Satan said he’d been wandering around, doing a little of this, and a little of that. God says, check out my guy Job, isn’t he just the most awesomely devoted thing on the face of the planet. Satan says, yeah, well, what else to you expect? You shower him with all kinds of good stuff. If you didn’t, he’d be calling you an arse too. God was like…Uh uh…Satan is like, Put up or shut up…God says, okay, leave him alone, but feel free to wipe out everything he has, including all his children.

How do people find/take inspiration in this? I just don’t get it. Yeah, I know, at the end he makes it all better and what not…But this rates rate up there with the whole ‘Hey Abraham, I’m going to side with your wife, make you send your first born off, then I’m going to tell you to kill of your ‘only’ son, as everyone will have forgotten that Issac had an older brother by a different mother by the time we get to that part… But it’ll be okay, because at the last minute I’ll send someone down to tell you that I was just joking.’ 

*shakes head* Gods…And I don’t mean to offend anyone, if I have managed, but I just don’t get it. & now…I have to have something posted by noon Thursday (which means sometime Wednesday before I go to school by the latest).

BUT…Tomorrow is National 50% off chocolate day…& I will hopefully have no transportation trouble, and can partake of this great holiday.


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And that’s why I always lock my doors when I get into my car. I probably would have punched him in the face in self-defense before I even knew what happened. Oye. What an idiot. Light of heart,

February 14, 2011

*hugs you* i don’t get the sand/ salt trucks. i hope you have a fantastic 50% off day! MUAH

February 14, 2011

Can’t say we ever saw the book of Job as being inspirational really….. it is certainly not one of the easy bits…. maybe the most useful bit of it is that very bad things can happen to good people without them having done anything to deserve it *shrugs*

February 14, 2011

I remember a dramatization of Job my auntie sent me as a kid to prevent me from becoming a heathen…it pretty much had the opposite effect.

February 14, 2011

I’m suck of winter too!! honestly. Well my stomch hurt over the weekend and I coudn’t take anything for it. So I had to deal with it 🙁 I never read Job aucally I thought teh whole bible was boring honestly…. Mythogoy sounds awufl!!! and annoying! Honestly I don’t know how i guess it’s all how one interputs it.

The book of Job (among other things) is what made me stop believing in Christianity. *hugs gently* boo pain! I hope you feel better soon.

People have an odd sense of trying to be helpful…opening people’s car doors. Wtf? Winter needs to go away for sure. And you have every right to share your opinion, whether people choose to take offense to it or not, as much as the people who make it part of their religion. ♥