Dr. Visit.

*pokes at arm*  Ow!

*pokes at other arm* Ow!

Bloody hell…Went to the Dr. today…Didn’t register a fever while there, but since I’ve had one off and on for the last month, she’s running all kinds of tests to look for any kinds of possible infections. Fun. *rolls eyes* But she’s a quack, so I’ll just go with the thought that she knows what she’s doing.

ANYWAY…They took blood…After two attempt & two arms & two different blood drawers.  Seriously…The first one put the needle in my right arm…Nothing. She wiggled it around…Nothing. Wiggled it around some more…Still nothing. It was a horrid experience. I HATE needles…So yeah, it was not fun. It didn’t even really bleed when she took the needle back out. It’s like there is no blood in my right arm…I mean, I know there is…But apparently it’s hiding really, really, really well.

My  head hurts…My back hurts…I’m tired. Me thinks I is going to attempt a nap…

Looking 5 days in a row…I wants a cookie!


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*showers you with cookies* *steals all the needles in the world and dumps them into a volcano* Sleep tight!

November 5, 2010

*hands you cookies*

November 5, 2010

*eyes Kira* Needle-filled volcano…*wide eyes* ahhhh!!

November 5, 2010

I would have stopped her once she wiggled around!!!

*pets Tobey* it’s okay! They melt in the lava! ^_^ [R2N] It was a perfect night! ^_^ I’m still quite giddy about it, teehehe!!

November 6, 2010

ryn – we are happy with it and hope that she will also be happy with it….