Calling ALL former Harry Potter Role-players…

I want pictures! Please…I would appreciate this very much…If you could find a picture representation of your character from when you were writing. I have a photo album…It was always intended to collect images of everyone’s characters…It just didn’t happen. I still want to do this. [I recently found it buried in one of the drawers of the futon when I moved it.] I believe originally it was a Christmas present to Raven, I think from Ashton, in the role-play. As I did with a lot of the things from role-play, I collected it as well. I want to fill it with images from Hogwarts. To do this, aside from collecting pictures from the cast, I need pictures of those who would have been Raven’s classmates, Raven’s friends. SO…Come on you lot, even if you have to go searching for the images again, do me this major favor. Either send me an e-mail with them, or a link to where I can find them…& if possible…Full character names & houses.

Aside from that…Life has been life. At mid-term I’m still passing all my classes. Tho I majorly failed my French quiz Thursday. I should be studying, but I’m not.

My costumeage has been figured out, and it’s close to being 3/4th done…or so…I’m going to be Gaara from Naruto, after he becomes the Kazakage (leader of the sand village).

Things with me and Wasil are good…Tho distance is painful, & I know sometimes I am trying…But he deals with me…Besides sometimes he is trying as well, and I deal with him.

I’m sorry I’ve been bad about being around here…I’m going through another one of those withdrawn kind of times. I get to Facebook, and it picks at my soul…But I don’t have to do anything, don’t have to interact…Don’t have to think…Which yeah…Is bad.

I have to read then tell a story without a book to small children for Children’s Lit. I still need to find a book & commit my story of choice to memory-ish. I’m doing it Friday to the 2nd grade class in Alba.

There is a spider stalking me in Macroeconomics…It has to die…Or go away…Hopefully it won’t be there again Monday. It fell onto my paper last Monday, and Wednesday it was hanging on the wall behind me…Staring at me. [Yeah, I know, I sound just a tad bit paranoid.]

British Lit…O.o *pokes at it with sticks* Crap…I’m suppose to be reading Gulliver’s Travels…Don’t want to. Blah.
Anyway…Can’t do what I was thinking of doing for our final project…Won’t let me write my chosen prose for the creative side of things…Instead, I’m looking at writing 20 sonnets! O.o [Someone please shoot me.] They have to have a connecting theme…I’m thinking of using dragons…I’m not sure if there are 20 ‘true’ dragons listed in the D&D monstrous manual…But I’ll figure out something. Right now I’m working on note cards…They are due Dec. 1st.

Mum and I were suppose to go to the resale shops today to find a Cub Scout shirt for Harley [Oh yeah…He has joined the Cub Scouts. He’s been to one meeting so far, and so far he’s liked it.]…Instead she went to play nursemaid to an idiot who went out and got drunk last night so he feels like crap today. Serves him bloody right. & what do I get in return for ruined plans (which I didn’t exactly make to begin with, she just said ‘this is what we are going to do’)…So I wouldn’t be mad at her, Mum tells me to go ahead and get my new Converse…Whichever pair I wanted. [I’d been looking at getting a leather pair, tho I opted not to in the end.] So…In about 4 weeks I should have a awesome pair of Converse that I designed myself.

There is something else, I’m fairly certain of it…Seems like there has to be…Oh yeah…

A couple weeks ago while I was waiting in the hall to go to Brit Lit the Creative Writing professor wandered by. He invited me to come read something of mine to the class…Trouble is, I have nothing new to actually read. But yeah…At least I was invited to do so. [& in case anyone is wondering, I didn’t quite make it to the whole Honor’s contract thing…& Poppet’s poem hasn’t gotten much further than what it was. Tho I do really want to finish it someday, pictures and all…I’ve just lacked motivation in most things of late.]

Haven’t said anything about Sonja…But not sure there is anything new with her really…Aside from I really need to get her costume finished too.


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October 23, 2010

I needs to take creative writing next year. I’m doing a a story for children’s lit and its getting my creative juices flowing…so was searching for my Nicki Lawson picture. In finding it, I found so many much better pictures…this one is even a little embarrassing,,_Mages,_Sorcerers I was Nicki Lawson in Hufflepuff

October 23, 2010

*hugs you lots* there is a lot of depressed apathy going on lately with everyone. blessed full moon my dear. MUAH

Converse you designed? :O I want to design a pair of converses…. Lol Yay for costumes! I still want to get my hogwarts one finished. 🙁 Uhm… lol

RYN: *runs to site* Can you make.. house shoes?! Omgosh that would be cool! scarlet and gold that says “Gryffy” haha Yeah… I’m not sure I’ll even get too. I figured all else fails I’ll wear my hogwarts robe and my gryffindor scarf. Lol *shrugs* go casual student. LOL

October 24, 2010


October 24, 2010

*hugs* heh – maybe we are weird and all but we loved gulliver’s travels…. but then there is something to be said about reading something because you want to and the difference when you have to read it…..