
Almost fairly certain I’ve been hit by a bus.

I’m opting for no fever fighting medication, despite my fever. I need something to take care of whatever is attacking, and after all a fever is nature’s way of dealing with it, so go nature, kick the icks arse. Yeah…I may be slightly delusional, naw, not really, it’s not that high of a fever.

Okay…I think that’s it…I can’t think and should probably still be asleep. *falls over*

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I forgot what I was gonna say…

*hugs* I hope you feel better soon!

May 7, 2010

*hugs you* i never get fevers unless i am dying sick. had pneumonia and didn’t get a fever. i was in an oxygen tent for goddess sake! LOL anywho. i hope you feel better soon. MUAH *hands you tea*

Feel better! ♥