Letterboxing season has started…

Where to start, where to start…

The start of Letterboxing season! Though it wasn’t a complete triumph. We had 5 places picked out…Found 1…1 was too over populated with people to even try…2 we tried, and tried, and tried, but to no avail…& we had to put the 5th one on hold as we had to get Sonja back home to get her ready to go to her friend’s birthday party/sleepover.
But…We found our first box of the season, the first one we looked for. & Our one box has already been found this year too. *grins* Going to invade TC at some point…The former asylum has a quite a few boxes that are suppose to be planted for us to find.

Was informed of a Letterbox event about an hour from here…Unfortunately it’s the same week-end as NAMCon (the convention @ the college). *pouts* Tis not fair! Tis not fair!

Amazingly enough…Idiot realized that having the Critters for Spring Break meant the week-end too (I expected him to think he got them today till Sunday)…Though I do have to relinquish them on Sunday for a while as it’s Easter, and his holiday. Bleck.

Sonja forgot to go to bed at a reasonable time last night…& in her being awake & on her netbook she managed to pick up a major ick. O.o It wouldn’t let us do much of anything. Had to go through some obnoxious stuff and finally got it isolated…I’m not sure what all is going on with it…Wasil is currently playing on her computer remotely to get things all shiny and pretty & whatever.

Seems like there was something else, but I can’t remember currently what it must have been. *shrugs*

It’s in the 80’s! *runs around happily* It’s the second of April & it’s 80+ degrees out, that is just too cool for words. We stopped at the DQ (Dairy Queen…One of the few actually in existence in the area) and got icecream cones after looking for boxes.

*wants to put out some letterboxes*
*wants to check on the ones we planted last year* [Have 3 of them…Penny Bridge, Tilted Tree (Sonja’s) & Cedar River…Need to check on Midnight Fey’s Challenge (Mine, which requires crossing water…So the warm weather will be helpful for that) & Wetzel Lake (which is in the same area as my box).

I think we celebrated April Fool’s Day the weirdest way possible…I made a turkey & we had a big dinner. *laughs* Then later on we colored the eggs for Easter. Which went all fine and well…No spilling of dye (though I did burn myself a couple times on the boiling water needed to mix up the dye), no fighting, eggs got colored quickly & happily…Placed in a container to dry, no problem…It was great…Up until the part where I went to put them in the fridge…& the proceeded to fall all over the place (i.e. all over the floor in the dining room) because the container I had them in wasn’t as sturdy as it apparently needed to be. *sigh* Bleck.

STILL have some homework to do too. *sigh* *headdesk* Bleck.


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April 2, 2010

have you ever seen tea eggs? i like the way they look actually and you can eat them. fun for teas and kids. and if you use edible dyes you can do fun colours! *hugs you lots* you should get on yahoo so i can talk to you occasionally. i am excited that you are going to stl for a bit in june. do you know what you are doing? i got ideas if you want them!!!

I want to try letterboxing… maybe I should come visit, cause I was looking around here and there’s only like 4 boxes.. and the clues were posted a few years ago… and yeeeeah… I dunno. Missouri you have to have a permit to place boxes…*pokes at them* Uhm… *thinks about convincing Ben to come visit sometime* hehe

April 3, 2010

I’m still confused by all this letter boxing, but it seems to be good fun! Loves to you xxx

RYN: I don’t think I’ve been hit in the head with a laptop before… I wouldn’t have thought a camera would hurt that bad! I mean, it’s not an itty bitty camera, but it’s still not huge! haha Aw yay for being a sharer! Hehe