The Update Thing…

I almost forgot to do this! It would suck to miss a day so close to the end. ANYWAY…

Abnormal Psych homework 100% done.
Ethics homework 100% done.
Detective Fiction homework…Er…Yeah, about that. I still have two papers to write. Blah. BUT…I do have a (very) thin plot for the Creative Writing piece (finally). Hopefully I can make it work, and quick like. I tried to tell Harley’s cat Butterscotch to be cornstarch and thicken my plot, but stupid kitty wouldn’t do it.

Get to go get the Critters tomorrow…I can’t wait! I miss them so much & I want to free them from their nightmare, they have been there far too long.

Had a realization earlier…All the stories I’d written for Creative Writing last year…They were all on the computer when it died. Luckily I do have the hard copies that I printed out for class, so they aren’t completely lost. & Thankfully I had Ryuk & Eve’s story (what I have written of it) printed off. But I don’t think I had any of Bryd Beyond’s story printed off…So it’s lost. Some HP roleplay stuff, that hadn’t gotten posted…Lost. *sigh* The more I think about it, the more depressing it gets. Blah. I had so much work into a lot of things on there, and now it’s all gone.
I have come to the conclusion, I’m going to invest in a bunch of jumpdrives, and save everything.

Something else that was lost…The workings of a couple Christmas presents. I was working on a couple videos, I was going to put them on CDs and send them down to Louisiana. One for my loverly sister Raya & one for my dorky brother Derrick. *sigh* Granted 99.9% of the stuff I had taken videos of can be replaced, though not right now, and not in time to actually make the videos for presents as I had intended. But there is also that 0.1% that I CAN’T replace. *sigh*
I was making a ‘Hi to Vargar’ video for Derrick…I had Me, Mum & Libby in the Boyne City cemetery, so Randy could say hi too…I had the Critters saying hi, and even Thor (which I suppose isn’t replaceable either, as he’s disappeared)…But I had had the idea of doing this, and the startings before the anime convention at the college…So while I was there running around after the one panel…I had stopped Vic in the hall and had him say ‘Hi’ to Vargar. It was suppose to be a surprise after the credits…& now it’s all gone. I know there isn’t any kind of present I can give to equal what that would of been.

Okay…That’s depressing…Now…Off to try and thicken that plot and attempt to get something done on my homework. Blah. *sigh*

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November 28, 2009

*hugs you* yeah, i have several jump keys for that reason. *hugs you lots* love you! glad the babies will be home soon. MUAH

November 29, 2009

🙁 Sorry you lost some stuff!