Catching up some more.
Harley had a not so good second day. *sigh* He was upset about someone calling him by his last name, and wouldn’t get up from his hiding place and go to the classroom. His teacher made the biggest mistake he could make, said he was going to call Dan. Harley ran off, got his lunch bag, hit his teacher with it, and took off for what he considered safer ground. The school called home, Mum was here to go get him, thankfully.
Day three went much better though. *smiles* Hopefully we can keep it going good. Harley also knew today that my Mum was going to be gone, and that I would be at school, so if he did get into trouble his dad would be the one they called.
So far Sonja is liking school. The two tallest kids from last year moved, putting her back up at the top. Jordan apparently grew enough to be about an inch taller than her, making him the tallest in the class, and her the second tallest. She’s wearing mega high shoes to school tomorrow, so she can look down on Jordan (who had blue spiked hair this morning). *laughs*
And so it begins…I got out of Appa today, walked around to wait for the Critters to get out, and I hear "Mom!" Alissa & Kristie were on their way towards us, where I was surrounded by hugs. *laughs*
Sonja had me walk her to her room, so I would know where it was. Duane about trampled a kid in the hall to get to me. His hug included my feet coming off the ground…& him proceeding to tell me I didn’t even weight 10 pounds. *shakes head*
Yesterday…Ah, what an odd day. *laughs*
Seriously though…It was.
I had plans to meet up with James for lunch. His last class got out at 12, and my first class didn’t start till 1.
First I turn down the wrong road…*shakes head at self* I was suppose to be going to one set of parking lots, and turned for the other one…So after I fixed that went looking for a place in the parking lot I’ve been getting a place in. Nothing doing…I ended up in the parking lot that I would of went to when I turned wrong anyway! Guess Appa knew where I was suppose to be going even if I didn’t. This meant parking on the opposite side of campus from where my classes were for the day…Which also meant NOT going to Appa between classes, but I’ll get to that.
Anyway…I had a thought of something to say when James showed up…But I also had the thought that I wouldn’t actually say it…& as Reese had decided to join us, usually means I clam up even more. I surprised myself though. When James got there, I followed through with the thought…I asked him where was this alleged bike of his, and when did I get a ride…To my surprise he said I could have a ride right then. O.o *laughs*
So, I asked Reese if she minded watching my things, then proceeded to leave her sitting on the grass out front of West Hall, while I headed off with James, who handed me his coat to protect me…From what, I’m not sure, but I wasn’t going to argue. Got to the bike, and he gave me his helmet, to protect my brain, as apparently he decided it was more important that protecting his brain.
We went from the one parking lot on the backside of the college, around probably about half of the campus, and up to where we had been sitting. The three of us sat on the grass for a little while talking. I saved James from a ladybug, twice. *laughs* He gave me a little red leaf that had fallen off one of the trees. I’m going to laminate it and stick it in my one notebook, because there is a frog that shows through the cover, and I had put the leaf in there so I didn’t loose it, and it just looked good there.
Second part of the oddness…
Well, since I wasn’t going to walk all the way back to Appa I found a nice tree outside scholar’s hall to cuddle up to. Also had Buddy with me, as he went to school Tuesday & Wednesday (I have to fix his one leg already…I swear that skeleton has more leg problems. *laughs*)…Anyway, sat there for a bit doing some homework and eating my food. When it was about 20 minutes before class I was starting to gather things up, which meant putting Buddy in my bag (he gets to ride around in a coffin! *giggles*), when I look up to see boy whom I’d been referring to since the first day of classes as Manson Boy.
[Okay, a bit of back story…1st day of school see fairly good looking boy, tall, dark hair, sitting in the back of Abnormal Psychology, he was wearing a Marilyn Manson T-shirt and jeans. On the way out of class he says ‘nice pendant’…I had on my pentacle & Ryuk’s heart. 2nd day of Psych see him in the hall as he’s heading into class and he smiles…Major change in wardrobe…He had on a purple button up dress shirt & black slacks. Okay, on with the story…]
Manson Boy, who will hence forth be called Ian (as that’s his name) came over to where I was sitting. Said Buddy was cool. *grins* Got to appreciate a guy who can appreciate a plastic skeleton. *laughs* Then he asked if I would want to go get some coffee sometime. O.o *falls over* *attempted not to become a total airhead* [Not sure how well I succeeded at that one.] We exchanged cell phone numbers, then went off to class.
Last night he texted me asking if I could recommend any music, as he was looking for something new. We texted back and forth a little bit. Talking music for the most part. Then I had to go, as I have to get up at 7 in the morning, and it was 10, and Harley was needing me to go to sleep.
I just not sure what to say & when. I mean…First off, I’m fully aware that I don’t look my age. So I’m 99.9% sure he thinks I’m younger than I am, probably by at least a decade! Secondly…My Critters. That is a big thing, I know it is. I just don’t want to not say anything, knowing I should probably right quick, and make him think I was misleading him or something. *shrugs* I don’t bloody well know. *falls over*
*yawns* I need to be getting to sleep…Sonja is off at the neighbors so she’s one less body to wake in the morning, but I got to get Harley awake and moving. Luckily he’s really good in the mornings, getting up, getting dressed, eating breakfast. *huggles him*
Plus…I’ve got to take kitties into the school…Harley wants to show them for show & tell.
sounds like you have busy days going on. *smiles* go you! MUAH. yeah. raised beds are great for fruits and veggies.
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😀 Just go with it for now and see where it leads.Light of heart,
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Oooo…an airhead inducing boy. I want an airhead inducing boy.
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lol thats too cute going to ware high heals so that she can be taller than her class mate. It’s funny how kids worry about trival things. aww hopes the rest of the days are good for Harley.
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