Wow…This got long when I wasn’t looking.
*attempts to relax before heading off to sleep* It’s been a long day…Trying at times…Baffling at others. O.o
Got up, got Harley ready for school…Took him in, dropped him off in the cafeteria for breakfast, went to talk to Mrs. Gooding. [Wanted to give her a heads up about his foot being injured…He hurt it on the ‘platter’ to my animal bowls that I made in pottery last year. It’s a long story…Short of it, he got hurt, was bleeding pretty good, and for a bit was screaming that he was going to die. O.o Took a bit to calm him down, but finally got him there. Later he declared that he’d been shot between the toes.] On the way out, ran into Harley…Thought he was going to continue on to class…*shakes head* Nope. He came running after me. Two foot from Appa I had to turn around and take him back to the school. Thought he was going to go to class…Nope, he started yelling for me again. Walked him all the way back to his class. Got half way across the library, here he came again. Took him back again, he started to follow me back out…Finally got him to stay.
Came back to get Sonja ready for her eye appointment. She was outside when I got home, swinging…Puppies were left in the house. Granted they were in their playpen, but they had needed to go out, and had made quite the mess of things. *sigh* Cleaned up their mess, locked them up. Hurried to get ready for school, as I didn’t figure I’d have time to come back and get ready (which I didn’t).
Nearly forgot my 3-D design bag…Luckily had to come back in for my cell phone, and seen the bag so I did remember to grab it. Somewhere upon loading Appa, which meant school supplies, including my 3-D design project, and Sonja…Appa ended up wearing part of my coffee (as well as my hand). Had to come back in to get a dry coat…Which is why I had to come back after my phone…As it was in the coat pocket of the coat I had been wearing.
Got Sonja to her appointment, just as it turned time for it. *falls over* [And per usual, all the rushing, and still had to wait.] While waiting Sonja made friends with the doctor’s dog…A big ol’ Basset hound. [And when I say big…I mean BIG…It was huge. *laughs*]
Sonja is a bit near-sighted apparently…In 7-10 days we should be getting a call to go pick up her glasses. She surprised me. I expected her to go for thin, dainty, you can’t see that I have glasses from across the room frames. *shakes head* Nopes…She got fairly thick, dark frames. Told her Barty was jealous of her glasses. *laughs*
Took her to school…Despite her not wanting to go. Snuck her to her class (as Harley was in the library and I had to walk past him -twice- to get Sonja to class, and to get back out). Got out without any incidents, luckily.
I didn’t have time to develop my film before classes…Had to stay after classes to do it. Next time, if it happens like that, I think I will just go in early on Wednesday and do it…I hate staying over so late. Then again, it wouldn’t of been as late if I hadn’t had to go track down a book.
In Eastern Religions we have to read an ‘outside’ book. There were three to choose from, so the class is split pretty much between the three. Somewhere along the lines we have to get it read, then work out a presentation with the other people in class that are reading the same book as us. Blah.
Reese drove, as her car has both headlights, and our first stop was downtown, and I’d just as soon not drive downtown T.C. unless I have to. It took us 4 stores to finally find the book…And we only found one copy. Well, as she had misplaced her check book, I was the one that ended up with the copy.
But in all of that…I skipped the part that’s really got my brain all wonky. *pokes at brain. But…I will have to reverse a bit further too, just to get things caught up to proper time frame.
Miracle of miracles, James remembered it was red day. *cursed herself* I really do believe the extended aggravation of the morning was due to the fact I was to be decked out in red and gold. [Ah! Gryffindork colours!] Anyway…So we did the lunch thing, per usual for Tuesdays & Thursdays, then headed off to our classes. [Oh yeah…And gave him the painted first mock-up I had done for this 3-D design project, as it was a castle, with a draw-bridge and everything…And the dragon I made him for Yule fit perfectly in it. Which, up until this week-end the dragon I had made him had been living in his art supply box. Since Thursday it has moved onto his desk at his house.]
Reese and I dropped off our stuff at my class (as she doesn’t want to take her stuff into pottery), then started to walk back through were James has his class. As we were walking by James goes “Play?” and holds his arms out wide…Reese grabs a hold of me and continues to drag me off in the direction of the bathrooms…While I’m muttering “But he said play.” [He’s used ‘play’ in connection with poking at Orinda.] Anyway…Do what needs done, head back to class.
My class gets a break, I wander though, then wander back. In the wandering back I stop to talk to James (this is pretty much what I do every Tuesday & Thursday…It’s become routine). It’s one of those, he turns in his chair to face me, legs keep bumping into mine kind of things, while we discuss the fact that the detail he’s putting into his project would drive me to insanity. He’s got all this shading, done with dots, done with lines, all these straight, perfect lines…It’s a gorgeous illustration of a building façade.
Got into a ‘disagreement’ about a shape on this thing he has. He was saying it was an oval, I was saying it wasn’t, as the sides were flat, not rounded. I went to see what Reese said. She almost sided with James…But Doug went walking through, so she and I chased him down to ask him. I win! *laughs* Which is actually what I announced as we returned to James’s class with his shape doo-dad thing. *laughs* Then Reese and I returned to our classes…Me to hearing about what our next assignment is to be. Bit more complicated than what we’ve been working with thus far. I’m not sure what I’m doing yet. Was sketching out ideas…Trying to keep with things I like…Have a really rough dragon doodled on the page. Here comes James into my class for a change. Tells me I should make the dragon. [I still have a lot of sketching to do…Though I would like to try and figure out how to get the dragon to work…It would be quite cool.] After a couple minutes, where he continued to tell me I should make the dragon, James finally wandered back to his class.
3-D design gets done for me, Pottery for Reese, we head for Eastern Religions. Get there and we both realize that neither of us thought to remind James that Thursday is suppose to be plaid day. So I call him.
Talking to him, he says he’s not going to wear his plaid, as he only has one thing that’s plaid, and it’s going to b
e too warm to wear it that day. I keep telling him no it isn’t, that it’s suppose to snow tonight, and it’s going to be cold, and he can wear his plaid. So we’re ‘fighting’ about that over the phone…And I’m attempting to sound all pitiful, and asking/pleading/begging him to just wear his plaid. I do get a bit snippy at one point, and tell him if he doesn’t wear plaid, I’m not making the dragon. He says something about not talking to me if I’m going to take that tone of voice with him, that he’s not going to take it from me. It was quite an odd conversation, really. Somewhere along the lines I start saying I need to get to class…Which technically I’m already in the class room…Anyway…I say something about having to go to class, and he says something, which I was only sort of listening, as I was certain it was about not wearing plaid, and then…*shakes head* [I’m still trying to figure out how I could of misheard, because it just doesn’t make sense…And it’s the part that is referred to as the baffling part of the day.] I would swear, if I wasn’t trying to figure out how it couldn’t be what he said, that he called me ‘Babe’. O.o But I was in the middle of telling him I had to go to class, and bye…And he said bye to before my brain registered what it thinks it registered, and what I am trying to rationalize out that it didn’t. So yeah…O.o *is confuzzled*
So that, pretty much, was my Tuesday.
Thursday is suppose to be plaid day. Reese is going to wear red plaid…I’m going to be wearing green plaid (and freezing to death, because it’s in the form of a short skirt), and James is suppose to be wearing blue plaid…But insists that it’s going to be too warm, and he won’t wear it. *pokes him with sticks* Infuriating thing that he is.
Oh yeah, and the satilite isn’t working currently. Mum is wondering if something happened since they were suppose to be transistioning the regular tv stuff from analog to digital. It shouldn’t of effected satilite…But who bloody well knows. *shrugs*
Now..I is off to bed, after another round of disappointing hot wings (I will find some, somewhere, that compare to B.C.P.’s…Meijer’s brand are not it), and more than my fair share (for one sitting) of the giant box of National Half-Off Chocolate Day chocolates.
(didn’t they post pone the analog to digital thing? *pokes at weird wiring stuffs) Yay, Gryffindor colours!!!! 😀
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*hugs you* seems we are all having oddish days. MUAH take care. plaid day huh? weird. *winks*
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Satelites are supposed to be alright according to everything I have heard on the TV about the switch. I hope it starts doing right! *sends you wings from Sizzlin’ Wings -n- Things* Ruby Tuesday has the appetizer. *lol* *pokes James* Odd and confusing creature, indeed. Sounds like you did a lot of rushing around, today. Worn out Sissy? *HUGS*
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