3 phone calls in less than 3 hours…

5:53 AM Phone rang…It was Mum. Schools were being cancelled left and right, including the Critters school. Pulled up the closings on the computer in hopes that my college was called off too…Nope, it wasn’t.


6:00 AM Phone rang…It was the Critter’s School…Or rather a computer generated call from the Critter’s school, saying that due to snow school was cancelled. Coolness, they call for that now, tis greats. J Suppose that is one of those small school perks.

8:27 AM Phone rang…*looks at caller ID* *reads some unnamed wireless number* *decides to answer anyway* First words I hear: “What’s up?” In that drawled out ‘I’m a wigger’ sort of way. *nearly dies* *laughs* *headdesk*

Had just about anyone else called me that early in the morning, on a day when I didn’t have to be up…I probably would of tracked them down and killed them (especially since I had a rough night with coughing and choking and being all ick). But…As it was Todd *grins & giggles like a school girl* & I’m absolutely pathetic when it comes to him…I’ll let him get away with it. J Especially since we ended up talking for 46 minutes! I swear, it’s the longest phone call we’ve ever had. *smiles* [Gods…I’m all smiley today…And it’s not even 10 in the morning…Someone shoot me. *laughs*]

He’s trying to find someone to take his shift today…He’s got Tuesday & Wednesday off.

I still have remnants of the plague. O.o I so do hate the plague.
At first it was a case of he was going to be avoiding me while I still showed plague symptoms, as if he‘s around anyone who is sick, he usually gets sick a week later. Then somewhere along the lines it got to, if he could get someone to cover for him he’d try to come over today! O.o *is still unsure how it got from one point to the other*

So yeah…I’m a bit perplexed, considering the reason he’s attempting to get today off is 1) He wants 3 days off in a row & 2) There is like 6” of fresh powder (just about everywhere), and he wants to go snowboarding. He’s impatiently wanting to go snowboarding from the sounds of it…Yet, somewhere along the lines he might come see me instead? O.o

I told him I missed him. Made some remark about him not missing me…And he was like ‘Whatever’ and said something about me going on and believing whatever fantasy I wanted. Later I asked him if he did miss me at least a little…To which he did say he did. [Two people who have trouble discussing their emotions…Joy, what a couple we make. *laughs* *headdesk* Can’t help it…Still love him…Is it possible to love someone too much?]

Apparently he’s still been keeping his friend from Florida company after the guy moved back up here, which is where part of his time has gone…On top of that, one of his other friends has a girlfriend who broke up with him, and must of did it not so nicely…So Todd has been hanging out with him too. That whole have to be there for a friend in their time of need thing. Though I’m sure most guys wouldn’t admit that is what it is, wouldn’t be ‘manly’ *laughs*. Still…Even if it meant not getting to see him, or talk to him much…It’s good to know he’s there for his friends. [Yeah, I know, I’m the girlfriend, and ‘should’ have top billing…But seriously…If Raya needed me, and it was a choice of doing whatever it was I could to help Raya out, or going to hang out with Todd…I’d hate missing out on time with Todd, but my sister would have to come first. & I think he’d understand that.]

Do I honestly expect to see Todd today…No. Would love to, but I’m not counting on it. [As since he was calling at such an early hour, it meant he hadn’t been to sleep since the day before…So I actually expect him to pass out and not wake up till sometime tomorrow.]
Am I holding my breath to see him within the next two days…Eh…Not really. Am I upset about that thought…Not really. As I am still plague-ish and I don’t want to risk getting him sick…And I’m not 100%. [He already told me he wouldn’t kiss me if he does come over…And damn it…I want kisses! *laughs* But seriously, I don’t blame him, I can understand not wanting to get sick, or risk getting sick. Still…The thought that he’d even think about coming over, knowing I’m sick…J ]

*shakes head at self* Gods…I’m incredibly pathetically emotional today. *laughs* [Then again, I’m like that a lot…Heck, I was friggen dripping a half dozen times last night watching Avatar. The last book has a lot of emotional stuff going on though.]

I need to…Clean rat cage…It’s overdo.
I need to…Take a bath…Use some healing bath salts in the process to help things along.

I need to…Read the stuff I was suppose to read for Creative Writing, and totally forgot about. Plus get started on attempting to revise something.

*watches snowplow go by* *waves* Wow, they are plowing our road…First time since last week.

Sonja found her vampire fangs…She’s a happy Critter. *laughs*

Also…I’m skipping school today. Wrote my teacher an e-mail telling him that since the Critters school was cancelled due to snow I won’t be making it to class…Which is only part of it…I’m feeling better, and would like this one more day to work on the getting better…& yeah…There is that whole possible visitor thing too (though if it was just that I wouldn’t be skipping school. It would be tempting, but I wouldn’t do it. *is a good girl* J )

Okay…I’m off to attempt to do whatever is possible to rid myself of the last remnants of the plague…Do homework-ish stuff…Do something constructive with the Critters (hopefully, if I can get them to cooperate)…And whatever else it is I’m suppose to be doing.

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Man, there would be much Death & Destruction if anyone dared call me that early. *chuckles*Happy healing!Light of heart,

December 1, 2008

*hugs you* i am glad you are feeling better and got a call. i know about taking personal days. your kids need you. MUAH i hope you get the visit though too. *smiles*

December 1, 2008

Yay for phone calls from Todd! You sound much of the happies. I’m glad he called, and y’all talked for quite a while. 🙂 *hugs* Yay for skipping school! *lol* *pokes snow* I miss those days, sometimes. *sigh* That’s okay, though…We’ll be back when we know we can support ourselves as we are doing down here. Hopefully, better even. *HUGS*

December 1, 2008

I hope you really get better soon *huggles* speaking about forgetting out i forgot some thing on my RAP *falls over* Here the schools besideds my college was off snow or no snow.

December 1, 2008

I love snow days! I’m glad the boy is still alive and has a reasonablr reason for slacking on the whole calling you thing. Hope you get to see him (so long as you keep your plague to yourself).

RYN: You poked at my whole entry! Now it has bruises! 😛