Some babble [Gods I need better titles.]

What is it about the boy? The last two days I’ve wanted to make sure I’ve done something at least somewhat significant to the things I want to do, prior to getting the laptop out. Granted, today’s I needed the laptop for, but instead of going straight to Neopets and getting lost in the games, I focused on what I was suppose to be doing. This all because of his, fairly innocent remark about should be doing something applied to what I’m suppose to be wanting to do. *wonders if that sentence needs a roadmap* [I do so need people to kick me into the gear when I get sidetracked…I let myself get sidetracked too much & too easily at times.]

Anyway…I spent the first part of the day going through a (baby) name site, taking out names (& their meanings), for use in future stories…That way I have a list on hand whenever, and don’t have to think till my head hurts, or try and find a book, or have to wait till I can get to the computer (which there is always the risk of getting sidetracked).

Also while going through said list of names (which I’m thinking I do still need more of), I also discovered some names that seemed like they would make good words for another language. So I’ve decided to undergo the endeavour of creating a language to go with a story at some point. Thing is…I’m not sure which core words I should make sure to have…I know the basics [ I, me, he/she, we, them, it…etc.], but I’m not even sure all of what falls under that line. Sooooo…If any of you reading want to make suggestions of words that are needed in communication, feel free to let me know, so I make sure they get taken care of.

Blah…I’ve got that mediation thing in Traverse tomorrow, have to talk to some woman to see if me and Dan can come to an agreement on how to work visitation. I’m not going to have him thinking he can go and pick up the Critters from the school whenever he feels like it, and then not return them home where they belong. *kicks him*

Back to the thought of writing…I so need to write something for Romulus. *pokes at werewolf’s brain* Function dang it!

*misses Todd* I know it was only yesterday that I seen him, though it was for a very short time, he left right after he woke up. Still…It seems like it’s been longer than that.

*thinks* Is there anything else? I don’t think so…

Meeting thing tomorrow (Thursday)
Walkies Friday
Boat ride with Mum Saturday

*pat my Critters*
They want weapons for Christmas…& the girl is requesting a collar for her birthday (along with Pokemon cards, Naruto cards & a Neocash gift card…As she’s decided they sell them at Target. *laughs*).

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Sounds like you have a good start at doing something in relation to what you want to do. *nods* *takes away your shinies* There, no more distractions. *giggles* [I’ve been wanting to do something pro-active, too. Just don’t know where to begin.] *pokes Dan with a sharp stick* Good luck at the meeting, tomorrow. It’s all too natural to miss the one you love, no matter how long it’s been since you last seen him. [My mom says when Derrick is at work I look lost. *lol*] *HUGS*

August 13, 2008

*laughs softly* oh i love what our children want as gifts. *hugs the babies* and yes, i know all about falling into a computer and not doing things you “should”. we love you!

August 13, 2008

Hope you write someting for rpg soon 🙂 seems like you got something going with writing story *noods* wah i’m not good at langwuages if i was i’d help you out that that *noods*

I heart distractions! 😀 I hope the meeting goes well! Oo I want neocash cards tooo! 😀

August 14, 2008

When in need of a name, Ive resorted to opening up a field guide and tosing together a few modified Latin words, resulting in names like (in english) Trout Mist for characters Im not too find of…as for another language…nope, no suggestions.