A long overdue update

I should update, really. *looks around*

Let’s see…Not much going on, mostly school. *sets school on fire* There, that is taken care of.

As Raya mentioned, we went shopping Saturday, and ate at B.C. Pizza…Had mega-tons of hot wings. *pokes at sissy* She’s got me addicted to them! Ahhhhh! *laughs* They is much of the goods though….Though the way she likes them are going to burn a hole in my tongue! O.o Hehehe.

*pokes at Tony* He is the would be shiny that Derrick says like me. He works at B.C.P. too. Apparently he’s on the shy side…Me too…We is doomed. *falls over* Though I suppose, somewhere along the lines, if we get a chance to talk, we might be able to manage to talk. Admittedly, if the idea to get the four of us together it should work, as Raya and Derrick can spur talking, I’m sure.


I must admit, I’m a bit nervous/scared/worried…All those fun type words. I don’t want to get my hopes up, and have them dashed again…On the other hand, I don’t want to get in the mind set that things just aren’t going to go anywhere, so not even try. Raya keeps telling me that things will work out the way the are suppose to, when they are suppose to. [Of course, she words it much more eloquently.] I know she’s right…My sissy is much of the smarts that way.

*hopes Reese got my note* She brought up the idea of carpooling. Which would save on gas for both of us…Well I told her I usually leave at quarter to nine on Wednesdays, so she was expecting me to be there shortly after tomorrow…Well, upon getting moving down the road I remembered….I don’t have English tomorrow! So I don’t have to be going into school that early. I left a note on her grandparent’s door (as no one was there), so hopefully she got it. *shrugs*

Got back my Ethic’s mid-term…I got 113 points out of 150 (at least I think it was 150). Thus far, I am getting a 3.0 [B] in that class.

Need to rework my rough draft on my second English essay…Though she seemed more or less pleased with it. Haven’t even looked at revising my first essay…Will have to do that soon. Blah. *sets it on fire instead*

Brought home my cups from Pottery…When he added up the points it came to 180, and he said it should be higher than that, then changed it to 200 (which I think is A level). [I know, I know…I need to get pictures taken and posted.] My third project has been fired, so I need to get it glazed, and fired again, and it’ll be ready to be graded and brought home too. *grins*
The next product we had (have) to throw ten things on the wheel…Then use at least eight of them, along with whatever else we choose to use/make, to make ‘something’. I have a vague idea, but I need to do some more work…I do have ten things thrown already though. That is what I did Monday…Along with getting my pants covered in clay (and he said we wouldn’t get messy).

Drawing…As we all know is such my favourite class. *grins* *giggles*
I had my mid-term review today…I was quite nervous about it actually. It turned out good though. My sketchbook is only at adequate…But I can fix that by, well, doing my sketches.

She was looking through my sketchbook, and asked me if I was going to take (I think it was called) figure drawing. [Basically drawing people.] This was because of my composite drawings, which were of my hand, and my hand holding some things. She said they were really good. *blinks*
She says from what she’s seen I’ve got a really good work ethic (as I’m usually trying to keep busy during class). [This is even after ‘scolding’ the three of us for being ‘too sociable’. *laughs* ]

I’ve been working on the same thing for a week now (which is really only three classes). I think we’ve only got one more class day to work on it (and technically we are going to be starting something else along side of it on Thursday too). It’s called a macro drawing. You take something little, and that has working parts, then draw a large image of the working parts. I had forgotten to bring an object the day we were suppose to, so I took off my locket and used it. I wasn’t sure if she was going to allow it or not, but she was okay with it. *grins* So…I’ve got a blown up picture of my locket, opened, so you can see the hinge (and you can also see the pentacle really well too *grins*). Also I’ve got the chain running all over…ALL over. *laughs* I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it, James actually suggested that I could have it run all over in the negative space. The teacher said it would be fine to it one or another of the parts was out of proportion…So the chain has been growing as it runs off and back on to the paper (though admittedly, it hasn’t been growing very quickly). I think I’m about done with the chain (finally)…Then I have to do something (haven’t a clue as to what I’m going to do) with the rest of it, using one of the mediums we’ve used thus far. *pokes at it* What do you want done with you?!

*swats James* I swear, he was put on this Earth to drive me utterly mental(er). *laughs* He hit me with a phone book today…Granted, it was after much poking (me and Reese ganged up on him while we were walking back to the ‘class room’, after looking at the art display they have in the hall. [The local high schools have student art displayed throughout the hall(s) of the Fine Arts Building. Admittedly, they are quite good-& I’m quite jealous of their talent.]
Last Thursday he pretty much challenged Reese and I to kidnap him…Still trying to figure out how to make that work. *laughs* It would be fun.
*pokes at him some more* He was playing with my ponytail today…Not sure what compelled him…It’s not like I haven’t had a ponytail in before, as I wear them quite a bit, just to get my hair out of my way. [Which if I was going to be doing my wheel throwing in Pottery my hair would be seeing a lot more ponytails. And not just the partial ones like usual, but all of it, just to keep it out of my face.]

Anyway…I don’t want to continue to go on about James forever. [Though I must say, he was way too excited/happy talking about the quilting machine he seen at the one sewing/craft store. *laughs* He wants to learn to sew…He wants to make a vest…And I will shut up now. *laughs*] But I do hope that I manage to make a proper friend out of him, and not loose him after this semester is over. [I’ve also learned he’s taking a photoshop class (I think that’s what he called it), and 2D design. He had a really awesome looking dragon’s head he made today. Okay, yeah…Shutting up about him now.

Friday…Looking to the future. Raya, Derrick, and I, are going to Traverse City…Going to eat Chinese, and do a bit of shopping…Then we is going to go to Boyne City for karaoke. Lalalalala. It shall be much of the funs! 

Seems like there is something else…Can’t for

the life of me remember what it could be though. *shrugs* *skips off*

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*hugs* Things will happen the way they are meant to. *nods* Just remember everything we talk about…you and your happiness, etc. My sissy very much deserves it. *nods fervently* Hopefully, the four of us will be hanging out soon, and you & Tony can talk proper, not just through the take-order window. Yay for making good grades! Your pottery projects are of the greats!! Asis your drawing. Your teacher is right: You have superb talent in the arts, sewing included. As for English, I’m glad she seemed more pleased with this essay, though I still don’t know what problem she had with the other. *kicks her* *giggles @ sissy and her “random thoughts” about James* Yay for going to T.C.! *craves Chinese* *pokes karaoke* Still not being of the overly hopeful. *shrugs* He’s confusing me. *lol* Though, I suppose he’s trying to confuse me on purpose, so it’s a surprise. *pokes him* *HUGS*

March 12, 2008

*hugs you and waves*

March 14, 2008

sissy is smarticles indeedy glad work seems to be going well 🙂 having fun with people hooray! xxx