And the winner is…

Sonja! She won a $25.00 gift card to F.Y.E. [Which she proceeded to spend right off too.] It was badly published, and organized…But it was still fun. There was a total of 8 people who got up on stage…And as Me and Mine walked in, it was to echoes of ‘Here come the real Cosplayers’. *laughs* Anyway…They said they want to do more of them…Possibly quarterly (4 times a year)…Which means if they manage it, the next one will be in January…The Critters are already throwing out ideas for who they want to be next time. Not sure where they are going to end up yet…Have to wait and see. *nods* Did come to the conclusion, once Halloween is over, going to have to hit one of the Halloween stores, and buy up their diffrenting wigs…Sonja’s wig is already getting on the rough side…I just hope it manages to make it to Halloween…She has to wear it a couple more times yet.

Okay…Promised pictures!

Harley School Picture:  [I really did shrink these…I don’t know why they stay so big.]
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Sonja School Picture:
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Sonja = Orochimaru:

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Harley = Lee:
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Raven = Shikamaru:
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Elf- Sasori:

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Trio: Rock Lee,  Shikamaru and Orochimaru…[Oh yeah…And Padfoot as Kakashi.]
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Now…Halloween is in 9 days [pretty much]…That leaves me 6 days to get my costume finished…As Halloween itself doesn’t count…And neither do those two Mondays…As that is going to be all school.

Thinks that’s about it…*skips off*

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Sonja won! Yay!! The costumes are great, sis!! Not that I’m surprised by your amazing talent as a seamstress. *grins* Awww! The Critters look adorable in their pictures! *pokes at Harley* OMGs, he’s looking like a right handsome little man! [I remember when I said such about Sonja looking like a little person a couple years ago. *lol*] They grow up too fast, don’t they? Yay! Halloween! Can’t believe it’s so close. *runs around in diamond shapes, tossing orange & black confetti in pumpkin & bat shapes* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

October 21, 2007

those costumes are great!

yay! you should open your eyes more in pictures 🙂 Chris

Yay for Sonja winning! The costumes are quite lovely!

October 21, 2007

The costumes are amazing…and the Critters are adorable.

The costumes are fantastic! Aww cute school pictures! 🙂 BOOO to school but YAAAY! For Halloween!

October 21, 2007

You guys all look awesome!

October 21, 2007

those costumes are so awesome! Well done with Sonja winning! *huggles* good luck with the halloween part as well I may have said this before, but you have the cutest kids EVER 😛 love them both *huggles*

October 22, 2007

hehe wow awesome cosplays!!! just like the real thing awesome 🙂 lovely school pics, my they grow up fast! xxx

October 22, 2007

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *dances* Yay Sonja won!!! o0o and a good place to get moives and DVD’s your are sooo good at that suff… I have no paitcents for sewing!!!

October 23, 2007

omg you are all so adorably cute! *dances around and giggles*

November 16, 2007

btw… i just showed my daughter these pictures and she said you all were perfect.. (i wouldn’t know you see.. heh) so there you are.. my 15 year old said you did the costumes and attitudes wonderfully. just so you know. MUAH